Can PayPal get the average user interested in crypto?

I don't generally talk about crypto currencies because I don't know much about them. The stuff I've got I have attained from writing on Steem, Hive, Publish0x,, and I've tried mining but that sucks on a Mac and I'm not going to buy a Windows or Linux PC to mine crypto.

I have no desire to spend a tonne of my life researching crypto because I have a life. ?? But I am happy with receiving coins for my posts. It feels earned rather than gambled. But the thing that annoys me the most about crypto is how useless it is.

For any currency to be useful to the general public, it has to allow people to live their lives. Does any form of crypto do this? You could argue that people are buying and selling online with crypto. Yes but can you walk into a shop with your crypto wallet and buy stuff? At the moment the answer is no. There are some places, but from what I've heard they are cumbersome to use and nothing like using EFTPOS at a store.

It's this reason why I am watching with baited breath the goings on of PayPal's entry into crypto. PayPal's FAQ sheet is pretty informative with regards to their plans. There are some caveats though. Foremost is the fact that I - as a New Zealander - can't use it yet kind of sucks but let's face it was always going to happen. I'm hoping that NZ is going to be one of those select countries but I'm not holding my breath. Also, I can't transfer my ETH or BCH to PayPal. No real word about whether this will happen or not so wait and see.

But why is PayPal getting onboard with crypto such a huge deal? Because everyone knows how to use PayPal. It's simple and there's even many shops that allow you to buy in store with PayPal - not in NZ but I've heard of them in the States. So people don't have to know how to learn how to buy crypto with PayPal. It's the same process to buy everything else. We need this because for crypto laymen like me buying crypto can be a pain. Especially in places like here in NZ where somethings we are ahead of the game but others we lag bad. Alternative methods of paying is one we fare bad.

For the time being I'm going to convert as much as I can into Bitcoin Cash. The idea of being the cash version of Bitcoin seems to be inline with how I envisage humans using crypto to replace common currencies. Whether it holds up to this and gains the traction it needs to carry this out we will see. I hope it does and with PayPal it could very well do. Time is the great revealer.

For me though, for crypto to become exciting it will need to allow me to buy the things I want. I want to buy all my groceries, tools, games, fish and chips, whatever using crypto. I still think that is a bit too far into the future and thus still making crypto useless... TO ME.