Can i monetize a new dailymotion account after deactivated

No, you cannot create a new account and monetize it on Dailymotion if your previous account was deactivated for violating their terms of use. Dailymotion has a policy of banning users who violate their terms of use, and this includes users who have been caught monetizing their videos through unauthorized means. If you create a new account, Dailymotion will likely be able to identify you and ban your new account as well.

If you want to monetize your videos on Dailymotion, you need to make sure that you are following their terms of use. This includes not using unauthorized means to monetize your videos, such as using third-party services to generate traffic or views. If you are unsure about whether or not a particular activity is allowed, you can contact Dailymotion's support team for clarification.

Here are some of the terms of use that you need to be aware of if you want to monetize your videos on Dailymotion:

  • You must not use unauthorized means to generate traffic or views for your videos.
  • You must not use misleading or deceptive advertising.
  • You must not violate the intellectual property rights of others.
  • You must not post content that is harmful, offensive, or illegal.

If you violate any of these terms of use, your account may be deactivated and you may be banned from using Dailymotion.

So always read the terms of use or services before signing an agreement with the company. Because it's very important or else you will end up sadly. And it might hurt you and make you cry.

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