Callisto Network Monthly - May 2022

Welcome to the third edition of the Callisto monthly newsletter, your update on all happenings going on inside Callisto Network ecosystem.

We start with…

A Moving Experience

We mean that literally.

Callisto has moved offices. We’re now located in a bigger and brighter suite of offices in an area of Prague known as Prague 4, a district to the south of the city center.

The new offices will allow Callisto to more effectively grow into a larger blockchain company.

10 Million Blocks Can’t Be Wrong

On May 30, the Callisto Network saw its 10-millionth block mined – fast progress for a blockchain that is just barely four years old.

What begin with the mainnet launch on April 15, 2018, has emerged as one of the faster-growing blockchains in the crypto-space today.

The project spun out of Ethereum Commonwealth with an airdrop of $CLO coins, and every day since then has been a journey to turn Callisto into one of the safest, strongest, most-dynamic blockchains.

Next stop … our 100 millionth block.

A Superstar Among Us?

Another month, another accolade for Vladimir Vencalek, the high-lord of Callisto Enterprise and head of his own startup mining operation known as Invictus Mining.

Last month, CzechCrunch, a Czech technology-focused publication, named Vladimir to its list of the Top 20 CryptoCzechs. These are tech-savvy Czechs, who CezchCrunch determined, are “united by the belief that the future” is in crypto.

As Vladimir told CzechCrunch:

By my very nature, I am ‘technocratically’ oriented, and by growing up on sci-fi books, a la Neuromancer, I logically like the technologies that give humanity new capabilities to solve today's systems. I would say that a number of applications of this technology are not yet fully established, but development is moving at an incredible pace, and I think that everything that will be possible in the future is gradually beginning to emerge. And that fills me with hope for humanity.

This is the second, consecutive month in which Vladimir has appeared in local Czech media as a crypto expert. Soon enough, he’s going to need an agent to handle all the calls from Hollywood.

Looking for the Van Gough of Digital Art

Callisto is partnering with ARTEFIN Gallery to find the best NFT artwork as part of an event that will take place at the Prague Art Week 2022 festival in September.

The event aims to promote NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, as a distinct subset of the broader art world.

Though NFTs have largely been associated with cartoonish and pixelated art such as Bored Ape Yacht Club and CryptoPunks, the reality is that many, original 1-of-1 artists are adding to this space daily with unique works.

Callisto, through its ongoing partnership with ARTEFIN, wants to show the broader public that NFT/digital art can have the same value as real-world art, and is very often produced with real-world artists who are moving into the rapidly growing space for digital art.

The winning NFT will be publicly auctioned during Prague Art Week, with the proceeds going to charity.

From digital art, we just to digital sports…

The Sporting Life

Sports unifies the world. And now Callisto is part of the trend in the digital space. The company is now working with Esports Innovation Group (EIG), which is tackling one of the biggest opportunities in Web3: Bringing the next billion users into the crypto-share by way of sports and esports.

Callisto recently partnered with EIG in a deal that will see EIG develop its blockchain services atop the Callisto Network.

EIG is run, in part, by Nick Adams, the founder of live-streaming platform giant, Twitch, which is now part of Amazon. EIG incubates esports companies that aim to offer gaming and sports-related metaverses to the global masses of sports consumers. That is a monster-sized opportunity. The esports industry alone is projected to hit $3 billion in annual sales by 2025, a 23% yearly growth rate.

As the network atop which these services will be built and offered, Callisto is at the forefront of one of the hottest, largest, and potential most-profitable trends in crypto and across broader society.

Keeping with the sporting theme for a moment longer…

The Fastest Network on the Track?

We all think of blockchains in terms of cost per transaction and the speed of the network. But for Callisto Network, there is another speed to consider – the speed of Racing21, a rally-car team Callisto has partnered with.

Callisto’s green-and-dark-blue logo sits prominently on the team’s rally cars and is highly visible as they race around rally tracks in various rally events across Europe.

Vladimir, when not posing for another media photo-shoot, had a chance to spend a day with the team and to test-drive one of the rally cars. And just recently, Racing21 displayed one of their three rally cars—a Toyota Celica GT-Four—at an event in late-May that attracted one of the Czech Republic’s most famous TV and movie actors, Petr Ctvrtnicek. The Celica was parked in front of large display banners advertising the Soy Finance and Callisto Network brands.

Clearly, Callisto has partnered with a winner. Racing21 has won multiple, including the 2012 European Championship.

Given the popularity of motorsports across Europe, having a brand associated with a successful, well-known rally team reflects well on Callisto and is a high-profile way to increase the network’s visibility among sports fans who might not be familiar with blockchain technology or Callisto Network and its brands.

Finally this month…

Cold In the Summer

SOY Finance completed Phase 1 of the Cold Stakers’ Airdrop.

Cold-staking is a method of locking crypto coins or tokens into a smart contract for a specific period of time to earn rewards. At a time when much of the world is concerned about the environmental impacts of crypto technology, cold staking is a more eco-friendly approach to passive income. It’s also safer.

As part of Phase 1, SOY snapshoted 117,653 eligible wallets at the end of April.

Though some tried to “game the system” in the weeks before the wallet snapshot was taken, SOY shut them down, proving once again that we have the highest level of security and safety. Though the situation caused some concern in the community, the airdrop occurred precisely according to the community’s expectations.

Another snapshot occurs at the end of July, as the Soy cold-staking process continues.

With that, we come to the end of the May update. Talk to you again next month.