Burned 🔥16,472 $ica🔥

 ??Hello icarians and members of the DAO,

Today we performed our first buy back and BURNED ??16,472 $ICA??


? First of many, to oblivion!

? Community will choose Burn frequency in Governance by voting ??

? In addition to this, icarians can now vote on the frequency of these burns ??


?? Burn TX ??



The icarus team would like to bring the first proposal forward. 

This proposal will allow you to vote on the frequency of $ICA burns. Note that this is not deciding on how much $ICA is burned (see whitepaper), but how often.

The community decides!

We want most decision making at icarus.finance to be made on this basis until DAO is fully implemented. 

This proposal will last for 10 days. All $ICA holders are eligible to vote, more $ICA = more voting power.

Please see below your options for burn frequency:

  • Once a month
  • Once a quarter
  • Random, no previous notice




Find out more information below!??


Medium - https://icarus-finance.medium.com/ 

Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/icarus_finance/

Publish0x - https://www.publish0x.com/@icarus_finance 


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Twitter - https://twitter.com/zetta_icarus 

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/zetta_icarus/ 

Discord - https://discord.gg/YtDUZwXjkN 



Announcements https://t.me/icarusfinance_announcements 

Community https://t.me/icarus_finance 

Support https://t.me/icarus_support_chat 

Price chathttps://t.me/icarus_finance_price_chat   



        Kindly consider checking around


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