Brightpool Finance

It's interesting, isn't it?

Are we, the people, capable of beating the government in their quest to destroy and monitor us financially?

The short answer is probably yes. Below, I'll discuss why It's also probably no.

Most of us are passive; unthinking, lazy, without a care for what the government does to our finances. All we care about is our salary and how much people like us. We're slaves to our public perception and don't really care for where our lives end up going. This is because you've been conditioned to be like this since you entered school. You're taught to have to take exams by yourself, placed around people of average or below average intelligence, and anyone with higher levels of intelligence you were probably repelled to talk to anyways. Think of the most successful person from your graduating class. They were most likely an outcast during highschool; this is because they found a hard time finding friends with similar interests. If you've ever been this person and are not currently successful, that's because you were the opposite of that outcast; lazy, unskilled, and too obsessed over how others perceived you. 

The world works in a very similar fashion; most successful people are lonely, that's because they don't really want to spend the time and energy finding really close friends. It's time consuming, energy consuming, and takes a toll on you. Imagine juggling financial management, work, your love life, and your circle of close friends. It's alot easier to just not have friends. This is how most successful people end up having no friends; most of their old friends (if not all of them) are no longer friends with them out of jealousy, a lack of care, or distance. Most "gifted" children do not end up being successful. This is because they've always had everything come easy to them; they've never had to really try to get something, sitting down for 5 hours and learning is alot easier than working 16 hour days slaving away to grow your company that you aren't even sure will grow. It's irrational to some extent unless you're genuinely competent enough to understand how the market works, and even if you were, there's still no guarantee that your skills are sufficient enough to grow a company into 1m+ a month until you've already done it. 

Life is a bit like us beating the government; unpredictable, and uncertain until it's done.