Bogged Finance and its BOG Token

Bogged Finance is a multi-chain swapping and exchange service that allows users to fully take advantage of numerous DeFi tools. The platform offers integrations with more than nine different blockchains, including BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, and Avalanche. One of the most important aspects of this DeFi ecosystem is the native token BOG. 

BOG is both the utility and governance token for Bogged Finance. The token is currently available on both BSC and Avalanche, allowing traders to take advantage of both DeFi ecosystems. 

For the moment, BogSwap is the only feature available across all supported chains. However, the team behind Bogged Finance has set out an ambitious roadmap, planning the release of the full suite of tools across all chains in the second half of 2022. 

Currently, the BSC version of Bogged Finance offers the largest diversity of DeFi tools. These feature the popular BogSwap, BogBridge, extensive trading charts, and tools for margin and stop/loss trading. 

According to the official roadmap, the team wants to add support for some of these charting and trading tools on the Ethereum network. However, for the moment, the exchange has focused on alternative chains with lower transaction costs and faster processing speeds. 

More on Bogged Finance and BOG

The BOG token performs important utility and governance functions across the Bogged Finance ecosystem. Most of the trading pairs and liquidity pools on the platform are tied to the BOG token. 

Importantly, users can also stake BOG to participate in the governance of the project and earn passive income rewards. Three percent of all transactions in BOG are distributed among users who stake BOG tokens. Additionally, to promote a stable economy for BOG, the team has opted to burn 1% of all BOG token transaction fees collected in order to regulate the supply. 

Aside from governance, holding BOG tokens allows users to take advantage of the full suite of DeFi tools offered by the platform. Premium features include detailed trading charts and the BogCharts portfolio manager. 

You can start using Bogged Finance right away through this link. Additionally, if you’re looking to get your hands on some BOG tokens, you can easily do that with the convenient DappRadar Token Swap. DappRadar will continue monitoring the Bogged Finance ecosystem, as the team releases more DeFi features in 2022. To stay on top of DeFi news, follow DappRadar on Twitter, and join our Discord community.