Blockchain Gaming Updates Week 45

Let’s begin the blockchain gaming updates summary in alphabetical order.

No referral links included and all links direct you to the official platforms.

Axie Infinity

The 11th episode of The Lunacian is out with Samsung partnership, Loom Validator launch and so much more. Also, Axie Infinity has clinched in a fundraising round led by Animoca Brands for further development.

Battle Racers

for part trading and Cryptokitties event is available. Additionally, a sneak part for car parts is now out.


Check out CastleCrypto coverage of Light Trail RushChain Warriors

Chain Clash

Chain Clash is now live.

Crypto SanGuo

Learn all about Crypto SanGuo’s new Land and Battle system with a FAQ to answer any doubts.


Find out what unfolded for Egretia during the China Blockchain Investment Gaming Summit on November 1st.

Enjin Platform/Games

  • Nestables has released its November Update
  • Check out Reewardio’s huge update and $5000 Enjin Coin rewards.


HyperDragon is having a Single’s Day event with 3 new Dragons to be won.


Huge news and updates including their ‘Mineral Token’ White paper are now out.

Sorare has over 5000 cards in circulation now with more contests and ways for players to acquire cards

Xaya released a developer update for Taurion covering all the changes that are happening.

The Abyss

Chain Warriors, an RPG on The Abyss, is giving away up to $12,000 in Wave tokens if you participate in its ranked events.

Tides Of Magic

Check out Tides of Magic card types and explanation and how they had inspiration from Cryptokitties to create their game.

Xaya releases for their ELECTRUM Wallet.

That’s all we have for this week! If you want a blockchain gaming platform to be on our radar kindly email us at with the relevant information and we’ll be sure to keep an eye out for it!

Check out the weekly updates from the past week too if you missed them!

Blockchain Gaming Updates, Week 44

Blockchain Gaming Updates, Week 43