blockchain game this is the future

blockchain game this is the future As many may be seeing in the news and videos on the internet, new games are being launched every day that allow anyone who has a smartphone or computer with an Internet connection to play games and earn money from it. As a great example we can cite the name of some of these games, such as the most famous Axye Infinity that every day is becoming a means of extra or main income for people around the world. The cost to enter the game is currently still a little distant for those who don't have a penny in their pockets, but there are also some games that allow you to play for free and even so the user can make some money online, which is the case with platforms: adbtc, betfury and satoshihero among other platforms and games that have been emerging on the Internet for anyone to earn money. With this growing increase and popularization of blockchain games, we can say that many families are and are benefiting from what cryptocurrency and its evolution has brought to the entire world population.