Blockchain Developers – Future of IT

The Blockchain technology has grown wildly popular due to its easy adoption for cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, XRP, Stablecoins, and Bitcoin. The success of this Distributed LEDGER Technology (DLT) does not come as a surprise due to the secure, immutable, and transparent manner in which it allows its users to record money and data transactions. 

Even sectors such as finance, supply chain, healthcare, and even government agencies are buying into the blockchain technology. Also, more companies are adopting blockchain technology for their in-built online payment platforms. For instance, a transaction involving a chain of paperwork to prove authenticity on writing services review websites such as Pick The Writer or Writing Judge can be done in a matter of minutes.

Therefore, this revolutionary technology has opened up the field of development for blockchain programming. And in turn, it has created several job opportunities for blockchain developers and advanced IT enthusiasts. Despite the vast popularity of blockchain, interestingly, there is a shortage of experienced blockchain experts in the market. The limited number of blockchain engineers and experts isn’t farfetched from the fact that the technology is still new and confusion about the directions to take to become a blockchain developer.

If the prospect of advancing a career as a blockchain developer intrigues you, read on to learn blockchain programming as a lucrative, exciting, and intriguing profession.

 What Does a Blockchain Developer Do?

The answer to this will be: a Blockchain developer develops Blockchains! Then again, there is a bit more to what the job of a blockchain developer entails. To understand this better, we will need to look at the two types of blockchain developers.

  • The Core Blockchain Developer: primarily oversee the design of the core blockchain system architecture. It comprises how blockchain protocols need to be designed, and likewise, other high-level decisions and development related to blockchain technology, which others will then build on.
  • The Blockchain Software Developer: on the other hand, make use of the architecture and protocols created by Core Blockchain developers to enable them to build decentralized apps (DApps) and different web varieties that run on blockchain technology.

Transitioning to Blockchain Developer from an IT-Based Career

For those advanced IT persons who wish to be inept in blockchain programming, it is essential to upskill to become a blockchain developer. Some companies that are aware of the growing benefits of blockchain to their organization empower their IT staff to become blockchain tech-savvy. However, you can still gain the required knowledge as an individual by merely signing for blockchain developer courses online.  

Advanced Technical Skills Required for Blockchain Developer

Of course, some challenges come with blockchain programming. For instance, the developer needs to work using legacy infrastructure and limitations, yet still, meet the known expectations of any a Blockchain development project. Another obstacle could be navigating the technical practicality required to implement decentralized cryptosystems that likely won’t fall within the traditional IT development skill-set. Thus, you are required to learn more advanced and specialized skills in blockchain tech, such as:

  • Blockchain Architecture: for an aspiring core blockchain developer, you will need to have an excellent understanding of blockchain architectural concepts such as cryptographic hash functions, consensus, and distributed ledger technology. You would need to go through the bitcoin blockchain whitepaper, to get a full grasp of how this works.
  • Data Structures: another highly required skill to learn blockchain tech as a developer is a full knowledge and applicative sense of working data structures. This skill helps you as a developer to play around and adjust the existing plethora of data structures such as Merkle trees, Petrecia trees, etc. In line with advanced cryptography, these data structures are used to build a secure and immutable system. Thus, being able to work around these structures will help you meet personal network requirements.

  • Cryptography: if you understand your data structure covered, then it is only evident that you have a good grasp on cryptography since they work in conjunction with each other. Besides, asynchronous cryptography other cryptographic methods such as hash functions are also used in blockchain to generate digital signatures. Therefore, an advanced developer needs to know how it all works.
  • Smart Contract Development: it is now a big deal to develop smart contracts since the release of Ethereum. Since then, every blockchain works towards incorporating smart contract functionality into the system to enable the easy application of business logic on the blockchain. For developers who need to advance their skills to cover smart contract development, you will need to learn specific network languages such as, Solidity, Viper, Chaincode, etc.

  • Web-Development: this is more or less an optional skill, assuming that most advanced IT people already know this. Web development is also a core aspect of blockchain technology development and requires both front-end and back-end development. You will need this to create things such as interactive graphical user interfaces for decentralized apps, handling of APIs, request handling, etc.
  • Decentralized applications:  As a blockchain developer, there are several blockchain platforms where you can create a DApp. Here are some of them:
  • Ethereum; those who already know C++ and JavaScript should find it easy to work around Ethereum since it operates in its own smart contracted oriented language called Solidity, that is similar to C++ AND JavaScript
  • NEO; multiple languages are used to work NEO because it is not limited to one language. Experienced users can quickly start building DApps on NEO
  • Hyperledger; is an open-source collaborative platform created to develop cross-industry blockchain technologies.

Roles of a Blockchain Developer

Now that you know what advanced skill you’ll require as a blockchain developer, a situation might need the same person to fulfill both roles as a blockchain software developer and core blockchain developer simultaneously. Whatever the case, the general responsibilities, and roles of a blockchain developer include:

  • Development and monitoring of Smart Contracts
  • Back-end development in line with Blockchain protocols

  • Development of innovative problem-solving tools for challenges like command and control, and high integrity issues
  • Design of security patterns for a blockchain network
  • Design of blockchain technology architecture
  • Analysis of intricate designs, development, testing, and computer software debugging for specific product hardware and business technical service lines, etc.
  • Entire network supervision
  • Development of interactive front-end designs for DApps
  • Monitoring of all stacks running their DApps
  • Develop computer system selection 
  • Centralizing or decentralizing data network architecture design
  • Developing front-end designs according to client requirements
  • Operate on multiple systems and apply knowledge of different platforms
  • Operate several programming languages


It is not a day’s job to learn blockchain technology, mainly because it is a technology that is still evolving and changing every day. However, for those advanced in the IT field, with dedication and an excellent online course, you can upskill and learn more about blockchain development to start reaping the benefits as a blockchain developer.

BIO John Edwards  

John Edwards is a writing specialist who is looking for ways of self-development in the field of writing and blogging. New horizons in his beloved business always attract with their varieties of opportunities. Therefore, it is so important for him to do the writing.

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