Blockchain & Internet

We live in the world of the Internet.

Everything is interconnected.

Money flies across continents at just a click of a button.

Packages move from one corner of the world to another.

More on Connectivity

Though the Internet has enabled greater connectivity, there are few problems associated with it.

One cannot be sure of the person sitting on the other side of the network.

We all know about the hazards of online delivery.

We all must have heard about fake product delivery.

In addition to money lost, a customer also loses their time and the most important factor, i.e. Trust.

The Internet was built to make transactions complete in a faster and cheaper way.

Alas! Some bear the brunt of this advantageous feature.

Electricity bills payment on physical location and cash was withdrawn from the bank, such scenes have disappeared due to the Internet.

But the drawback of the Internet is a footprint of our search and history.