Binance to Issue a Limited Edition NFT to Celebrate Its 3rd Anniversary Next Month

Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange, is turning three next month.

While this figure is fairly mind-boggling when considering how much the world’s largest crypto exchange has accomplished in such a short time, BINANCE is wasting no time in preparing a celebration that includes its users.

According to a recent announcement, Binance plans to give away a limited run non-fungible token (NFT) to celebrate its third birthday on July 14. The ERC-1155 NFT, which is minted in collaboration with Enjin (ENJ) like previous Binance NFTs, will be rewarded to Twitter users who complete the following steps by 9:00 am (EST) on July 7.

  1. Set their profile picture to one provided in the official form.
  2. Follow Binance on Twitter
  3. Tweet the initial announcement post with the hashtag “#BinanceTurns3”
  4. Fill in this form

In order to receive the NFT, users must have a Binance account and a web 3.0 wallet that is ERC-1155 compatible. Of course, Binance recommends Trust Wallet, the mobile custodial wallet they acquired back in 2018.

More: Earn a Guaranteed Limited Edition Binance NFT – #BinanceTurns3

Related: Binance US Is Giving Away $12K in Enjin Coin (ENJ)

Disclaimer: This article’s author has cryptocurrency holdings that can be tracked here. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. Always conduct your own due diligence before making investments.

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