Binance Smart-Chain: Where do I stake? Where do I earn?

The BINANCE Smart-Chain keeps evolving and the number of users and transactions keep growing. There are so many places on BSC where crypto can be staked, and new ones are emerging every day. But where to stake and earn a steady flow of income?

Pancake Swap

The first and most known place where money can be earned is Pancake Swap. The platform constantly evolves, adding new pools and new farms. PancakeSwap is my first BSC crush, and I am still in love, even if at the moment all my assets are staked somewhere else.

I earned over 400 CAKE between December and February, which I used to farm other tokens. I added new cryptocurrencies by farming on PancakeSwap, such as Elrond Gold (eGLD), TokoCrypto (TKO), REEF and Ditto. I took advantage of the BSC low fees and fast transactions to explore various methods of earning, including LP's. See below a list of my experiments and reviews.

Using Trust Wallet Tokens (TWT) as PancakeSwap farming material

Release the dragons! Elrond joins Pancake Swap!

Adding Oracle Syrup: BAND Liquidity on PancakeSwap

Cooking on PancakeSwap: The delicious CAKE - BNB LP

Reef Finance (REEF) flipping value on PancakeSwap

Filecoin (FIL): Storing humanity's information on PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap going ALPHA! Leading the LP on Binance Smart Chain

PancakeSwap NFTs and farming with CertiK (CTK)

PancakeSwap: Got HARD? Get CAKE!

Harvest Finance (BSC)

Harvest Finance had to find a way to provide #BreadForThePeople and this led to the BSC side of the FARM. Currently power-farming with CAKE, BUSD and Venus (XVS). The BSC farming strategies ae covered in "Chad's new horse - Ploughing on Binance Smart Chain" where I expand my experience on farming bFARM in three different pools, Venus (XVS), Binance USD (BUSD) and CAKE.

Cub Finance

The Cub Finance project is backed by the smart people behind Leo Finance. It was launched with a bang! as the price surged past $10 on the day. I made my farming at 2000% APY and cashed out a fair part. I had all the CAKE stash in here, until the pool become inactive. At the moment I stake $CUB to earn $CUB, stacking it up until the price will reach $20. I think Cub Finance has the power to dominate the BSC jungle.

CubFinance to dominate the Binance Smart Chain jungle!

The Cub Finance Guide: Review, Staking and Claiming the Cub!

Cub has a great potential and the value will keep an upwards trend. Now that the degens are gone, and the FOMO slowly reduced, the true potential can be unlocked. The Kingdoms will soon be available, pools where assets can be deposited for bigger rewards. Cub Finance has diamond paws.

Bitcoin Standard Hashrate Token (BTCST)

The BTCST is a token collateralized by 0.1 TH/s of the actual Bitcoin mining power standardized to an efficiency of 60 W/TH.  I discovered BTCST when was added for farming on Binance Launchpol and Pancake Swap, and I felt the zing! ?Bitcoin, is a synthetic Bitcoin pegged 1:1 to Bitcoin, was added later on for DeFi use. At the start of April, the v2 of the Dapp was launched, with new pools, new options and a fresh look. BTCST is one of my wildcards, and at the moment the v2 dApp is boosting the earnings!

Bakery Swap

I entered the Bakery my chance, when I participated to a meme competition for the Ape Swap and Bakery Swap collaboration. I went from flipping pancakes, to baking bread, when 2 NFTs I created got sold on the Bakery NFT Marketplace. I staked the gains into the Bread pool, to earn more $BAKE. 


I won 0.5 PHO in a Twitter giveaway and this is how I came across PhoSwap. The Phoswap AMM is powered by the PHO token, which can be bought, or earned through staking and farming. I currently stake 5.23 PHO in the auto-compounding pool, which is worth less than $3. Why do I keep them... I don't know! The real pho is a Vietnamese dish consisting of broth, noodles, herbs and meat. Until further updates, Pho Swap is just another mysterious AMM on Binance Smart Chain

Residual Income:

PVMihalache Amazon Books

DeFi bounty at CakeDeFi with $30 DFI for new users

The fountains: PipeFlare ZCashGlobalHive ZCash  & Get.ZEN

Publishing bundle: Publish0xReadCashLBRY & Presearch
