Best Decentralized Freelance Platforms (The Future Of Freelance)

Decentralized applications and websites are gaining a lot of attention these days and becoming more preferable for people who offer their online services. Due to the pandemic, people are more inclined to work from their homes and it is much cheaper to do so since all you need is a PC and internet access, it is also expected that in the next few years there will be more freelancers.

The most common issue with the prominent freelancing websites such as Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr, is that they are centralized and their fees are substantially high.

Decentralized platforms offer no/zero fees and more power to the freelancers, the thing which attracted many crypto and non-crypto enthusiasts.

The following article will introduce some of the best freelance platforms built on blockchain technology and others which only use cryptcurrencies as a payment.

Blocklancer is a Distributed Autonomous Job Marketplace (DAJ) on the Ethereum Blockchain. Blocklancer is changing the way freelancing works for both the freelancer and customers, focusing on creating a trustworthy platform everyone can rely on.

Enhance is a first-of-its-kind job market platform, built entirely on blockchain and using the only cryptocurrency for payments.

The platform faces technical issues from time to time.

Canwork is a decentralised, global marketplace for peer-to-peer hire of services. Canwork is a hybrid between an on-chain cryptocurrency payment layer using CanYa Coins, and a fast off-chain service that enables users to find and book services, and for service providers to list their skills and services. (Not Decentralized)

You can BTC and other supported cryptocurrencies by answering questions or 

helping people with their problems/

LaborX is an on-demand work platform built by Australian blockchain company As a jobs marketplace hosted on the Ethereum network, LaborX connects freelancers and customers through smart contracts, enabling robust protections and efficient blockchain payments – wherever the different parties are based. is a freelance platform that offers over 30,000 digital tasks for businesses and individuals, all at a great value.

Latium Freelancing is an online jobs platform where users can work & hire using digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum


The freelance economy has been booming and exercising with different types of platforms for monetizing skills and talents is necessary especially with blockchain technology and what it has to offer.