'Berlin' Hard Fork releases in January 21



'Berlin'Hard Fork

During the last call, the Ethereum Core developers discussed several proposals for the ETH blockchain. Among them, one of the most important was the Berlin Hard Fork. After the hard fork was delayed in the middle of this year, it appears that the update could now come in a scaled-down version a few weeks after the Beacon Chain deployed, whose tentative date has been set at the end of November.



Berlin is an update for the current blockchain "Ethereum 1.0", which works with the proof of work. Berlin aims to introduce improvements to the blockchain while building on the Proof of Stake blockchain with Ethereum 2.0. The hard fork will be the next after Istanbul, which was activated in the mainnet in January.




The update was postponed at the end of June due to the "critical dependency" on the Geth client. A failure of the client could have led to a complete collapse of the Ethereum blockchain. So the developers decided to wait until a multi-client fork could be implemented.


This brings Ethereum’s Berlin hard fork

According to the original plan, Berlin should introduce 3 EIPs: EIP-2315, EIP-2929, EIP-2537. The first was to add simple subroutines for the Ethereum virtual machine. The other two suggest adding a gas surcharge for State Access Opcodes or BLS12-381 Operation Curves.

However, EIP 2537 is no longer taken into account in Berlin. The EIP would have made it easier for the Eth 2.0 blockchain and the Eth 1.x blockchain to communicate with each other by using a similar cryptographic structure. The other two EIPs will be included in a short-term testnet called “YOLO v3”, which will be published in the coming weeks.