Beethovenx: home of Multi Pools

As I wrote , I've found a Poolzilla on Beethovenx.

Lately I took a tour on this Fantom-based DEX, and I've found that there are several multi-coin pool.

For example:

At a first look some of them are very interesting. The last one (Battle of The Bands Remastered) has these stats:

Considering that this DEX hasn't a huge traffic:

I think that Battle of The Bands deserves an experiment because coins in the pool are all well known and APR is interesting.

What make me worry is this period of bear market and the difficult to balance this investment.

I mean: if just one of the assets involved falls down, all the pool could see its value falling... On the other side a good results of other coins could balance the loss... 

Maybe is only a matter of study on the situations, but caution advise me to postpone a vault like this to better times.

I think I'll bookmark it.

No referral on Beethovenx, but I have the usual list:

DeFi platform:
 very similar to Pancake Swap, but with referral program.
Cake DeFi  earn 30$ in DeFi as you deposit AND leave for 28 days 50$.
Passive Investment platform:
 A reliable financial platform to earn from your Crypto
RollerCoin earn BTC, BNB, Doge, ETH... playng easy games register with this link to earn 1000 Satoshi
Coin-farm a very silly game, didn't test it deeply but I want to.
Passive earnings:
CryptoTab a browser that let you mine small amount of BTC, a good referral program, but needs 2/3 days for payouts.
 earn BTC walking and playng chess
Peer2Profit A platform that pay for your bandwidth
HoneyGain Very well known platform that pay for your bandwidth