Battle Racers Plans to Migrate Its NFTs to a Matic Network Sidechain

Battle Racers, an upcoming arcade-style racing game in the Decentraland metaverse, has partnered with Matic Network (MATIC) to migrate its NFTs to a new Ethereum (ETH) sidechain.

According to the announcement, all Battle Racers NFTs, including cars, crates and parts, are being migrated over to a new sidechain built by Matic Network. Owners of the NFTs are not required to do anything during this process.

Users will be able to customize car configurations to boost different stats (Battle Racers)

A playable version of Battle Racers will be available to the public on November 25. Altitude Games, the game’s developer, will also be holding a sale from December 2 to 20 featuring new ERC-20 crates with exclusive car parts from Season 1, including limited edition cars from CryptoKitties and My Crypto Heroes. These parts will be minted on the new Matic Network sidechain.

Limited edition cars from the Axie Infinity sale in June (Battle Racers)

Notably, there are now more than 2,200 Battle Racers NFTs for sale on OpenSea, a marketplace for digital collectibles.

Battle Racers isn’t the first Decentraland game to utilize Matic Network as a scaling solution for NFTs. As we previously reported, Chainbreakers, an Ethereum-based RPG on Decentraland, recently conducted the first NFT sale on Matic Network.

More: Season 1 cars are arriving this December on the Matic Network sidechain

Previous: Battle Racers Launches Closed Beta

Disclaimer: This article’s author has cryptocurrency holdings that can be tracked here. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice. Always conduct your own due diligence before making investments.

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