BAT rewards available on iOS again?

Back in December I finally caved in and upgraded to Mac from Windows.

My Macbook Air is heaps lighter than my old Lenovo, and about a thousand times faster.

It is also made by Apple, a company that famously operates with a "my way or the highway" mantra.

I've been using BRAVE Browser for about two years and even though I use it because I genuinely consider it the best browser out there, I can't deny that BAT rewards are an added bonus.

However, many, many years ago, Apple removed BAT rewards for iOs users for... reasons that I can't remember, to be frank.

So when I began using my Macbook, I knew I'd have to give up BAT rewards, which was fine.

For about five months, no ads appeared and BAT rewards were given. However, for about two months ago, Brave ads (not the pop-up ones, though) began appearing.

And BAT rewards, too.

I don't know what happened but I'd call that good news.

It means I'm now making about $0.50 a month while browsing.