Bat jump

Bat is a big part pushed by the BRAVE browser which knows on its side a strong increase in its number of users on a daily basis. The browser has 42.1 million active users each month. Almost 1.2 million creators are also recorded on Brave Creator. Almost 3,000 advertising campaigns are underway every day.

Numerous and serious partners.

The project is surrounded by companies and serious partners that allow the bat to integrate a wide range of ecosystem already in place. Indeed, the nature of BAT’s ambitions appeals to many content and advertising creators.

An explosion.

Since its creation, BAT has experienced a continuous increase however recently, the price of the cryptocurrency to explode. Here is an overview of the prizes since the token launch.

For the past seven days, the price of BAT has skyrocketed. In my opinion, this is due to several factors. First, the depressed prices of bitcoin force some investors to change markets and diversify into other assets. Secondly, it should be noted that this choice of diversification is strongly influenced by the long-term success of the project. Indeed many tokens or cryptocurrencies are new. BAT presents itself today as a well-established project. The push up prices this week is very impressive.

The new ATH now stands at $1.91. To keep you up to date on the progress of the project and its growth, I invite you to visit the official website of BAT