Basis in Defi Harvest

Hello, everyone.

I want to share my harvest strategy in the DeFI market.

1) Choose quality projects with a risk-return ratio that is acceptable to you

2) Study them and choose a good entry point

3) Put the data into a table and observe the project and the returns (initial asset weight/earnings/weekly changes)

4) Harvest part of it, return it to the protocol if it is worth it, and sell part of it to reduce the risk

5) If you are LP and mining ShitCoin paired with Stable Coin (or Shit to #ETH/#BTC) and shite rise above the purchase price, sell it.

6) If it is lower, it may be better to wait for better price

7) Don't pout everything into one wallet and one protocol

8) Think with your head 

Don't fall in love with a Protocol, soberly look on what you invest in. Look each time, like your see it for a first time, without emotional history.

("Ohh i know that this shit will go to MOOON" -- don't be stupid)

Don't FOMO, follow your strategy and improve it.

If you taking a part in Risky Protocols take a body of your investment as fast as it possible.

If you see that it time to go out, don't hesitate, the are all the time lot's off possobilites arround

Would you like me, to write more?)

Set than a ike)