Balancer - Passive income report

Lately, I've been testing out various platforms to increase my crypto holdings. Since I have been utilizing the Solana and BSC ecosystems I decided to diversify into Polygon. so far the platform that stands out to me is and hear is why.


Partnership with Aave 


“Part of what makes De-Fi so exciting is its composability, and with Balancer this has resulted in a partnership that optimizes the experience for liquidity providers through the Aave-Balancer Asset Manager and opens up new possibilities for Aave Stakers with the AAVE/ETH Safety Incentive pool. We look forward to exploring more synergies with Balancer in the future.” — Stani Kulechov, Founder and CEO of Aave




The pools I've tested have performed well and have not lost value while earning a respectable APR. 



a great option for me since I previously owned these assets anyways


a higher APR but all assets hold there value in my opinion


Gas fees 


Since the upgrade to V2 and using internal liquidity the gas fees on Ethereum have been cut by 60%. 

the platform is compatible with Etheruem and Polygon




Trade vol (7d) - $263m

Total fees earned - $67.3m

Total liquidity - $1.8b

Liquidity Providers - 8.7k
