Back to Writing on Publish0x to Tell About My Career & Thoughts For Future

Greetings PUBLISH0X community, today I want to share my personal thoughts for the year ahead about the whole crypto space. As you're all aware, Publish0x is running a contest about the year in collaboration with Bityard. Hint: All authors who write a piece of content for the competition will become donators for 'TheGivingBlock'. It's one of the most encouraging things to push me to write again on Publish0x after nearly 3 months of break. In this post, you'll face my last 18 months with the crypto industry, especially the post-COVID era, what I'm doing now for the future, and what I expect from the next 2 years, until the next Bitcoin halving. Now, here comes the first piece of my first 2022 content on Publish0x!

1. How were my first 2 years of being a content creator?

Until today, I only have two different content creator accounts; one for Publish0x and the other for Medium. In the first weeks of 2020, I was only a good reader for the cryptoshere. Mostly, I visited the major crypto news blogs in addition to Medium. Then, I have discovered Publish0x, a platform that rewards both the authors & the readers. After that, I decided in my mind that I'm gonna make it! So I applied for authorship, and it was approved in some hours. So far, I published 96 pieces of writing in 2 years. Although I didn't publish anything in the past quarter, I've still over 4k views per month, which equals about 125+ views for every day. This shows 2 things to me:

  • My content is still appreciated by hundreds of Publish0x users. I want to thank all of you for that. This may make me come back & write periodically on Publish0x, again.
  • On the other hand, the statistics show another success story that belongs to the Publish0x platform, itself. For 2 years, I can only make 2k views for each post despite I regularly publish an article every 2-3 days. I can see the huge progress over years clearly. That's another good opportunity to come back :)

I liked creating some words that people appreciate and show every time very much. Within the first year of my Publish0x career, I met with Harvest Finance and saw the opportunity for native speakers within the uprising DeFi ecosystem. Not all of you know but Harvest Finance was hacked at the beginning and over $20m was drained. But they fought against and reached the year 2022. It's one of the best examples of how DeFi affects your life in a good way even after they hit so much.

After they recovered from the situation, I decided to join their community as a translator. Until early 2021, I translated nearly 10 pieces of weekly Harvest update posts. While doing so, I met with '', a French translator of that time's Harvest Finance, translator for IndexCoop, and Curve Finance's newsletter creator, currently. He inspired me to continue translations because anyone can utilize my work, then come to help on my side. When the time for the bear season came in late Q2, 2021, I survived that period thanks to my Turkish publications. Since H2, 2021, I'm a Bronze Owl of Index Coop. IndexCoop is a dedicated community to bring the asset management system to the DeFi world by creating and managing the assets utilizing SetProtocol's infrastructure. The major products include DeFi Pulse Index $DPI, Metaverse Index $MVI, and the $DATA Economy Index. The latest product from IndexCoop is the $FIXED income product index that is created to reach the maximal return while still holding the stablecoins from Notional Finance, $fCASH. Please check the thread below for more information from CryptoTexan & and my Turkish explanation. 

2. What I'm doing for the way ahead?

I explained my background. Now it's the time for explaining today. Starting from Dec'21, I'm looking for new ways to diversify my crypto portfolio, therefore, reducing my altcoin exposure to ensure I can survive the possible bear season ahead. On the last week of Nov'21, my portfolio was highly concentrated on $INDEX, the governance token for the Coop, and their major products that I've detailed previously.

After Facebook renamed , November may be the best month for all Metaverse & NFT related projects. But it was not a permanent upwards move, so I took my profits when $MVI is 300s at the end of the month. I did the same for the $DPI, DeFi Pulse Index. For the $INDEX itself, even though I reduced my exposure, every month I receive some tokens as compensation for my contributions for Index Coop & its impression mining program. So, still a heavy bag I'm carrying relies on . (For those who are interested, I can write some words about the impression mining program in the next weeks. Basically, you're being paid for creating articles, videos, and even tweeting)

is the newest product developed by IndexCoop & Notional Finance. It's designed to gain reasonable yield with reduced risk exposure without any IL. It's totally composed of stablecoins, but the difference is how much time those tokens will be utilized. 75% of the index itself is made by $fUSDC for core allocations. The remaining 25% of the index is for short-term exposure to stablecoins. The allocation table is shown below. If you want to more about what $FIXED is, how it works, how can you have it, and many more, please visit the Index Coop governance forum,

The reason why I inform you about the $FIXED index is there are still no '''' indexes developed by the Coop, yet. So, if I can't - basically - short the coins themselves, I can hold a bunch of stablecoins instead. The expected yield for $FIXED is 9.35% per year. It equals over for a $10k investment today. (calculated for the next Bitcoin halving ahead, 2024) There are no pre-announced liquidity mining programs yet but please follow the official accounts not to miss any extra yield opportunity. So, I can diversify my portfolio with $FIXED to reduce the altcoin exposure as well as produce long-term stable yields. 

3. What I Expect The Year Ahead? 'MyCryptoOutlook2022'

Until that paragraph, I tried to explain my idea about the next 800 days. I lived & survived through the bear season from 2018 to 2020. As you can understand, after the 2016 halving, Q4'17 was the outperforming session for all the live projects. But things got worse after the spring of 2018 and till the COVID era, we never saw a big upwards movement, excluding the weeks at late H1'19, early H2'19. Now, I expect relatively the same movements for Bitcoin and the remaining tokens. It doesn't mean that the total market will crash within hours like in March 2020, but it will bleed slowly

One of my reasons for being bearish side is ETH/BTC pair failed to break the point many times. As you can see in the chart below, the upwards movements are always related to Ethereum's outperformance compared to Bitcoin. If we want to see a sustainable upward movement, it should include ETH as the primary object. So, I'm preparing myself a similar session between the H2'18-H1'21 which points to the flat ETH/BTC pair. (Sorry for the little Turkish on the chart below.)

If you ask me about the relatively new concepts of DeFi - the NFTs and Metaverse - they already performed well but still have room to go. I wrote an informative article back in 2020 about what Metaverse is and how Sandbox constitutes major milestones of Metaverse. You can check my blog . I remember $SAND was about 0.02$ at that time and hit over 8$ back in the November rally of the Metaverse-related project. Sandbox is only one example of that category. They did go well but now is the turn for a retrace. I can't say how much they aim down but I'm sure the way is not as well as everyone hopes for. 

The last part of the crypto world I want to mention is the upcoming projects & lately launched projects. I hope there is always an opportunity for newbies within the DeFi community. So it's hard to say something about their potential. But launching within a bear session makes it harder to find even investors so new projects will be over-exposed to natural selection. It's better for us, the users because there are fewer projects stand only for hype. You can track the new DeFi projects on the Ethereum chain by utilizing Bankless DeFi Index, $GMI. It's created to follow the new trends of DeFi & has 10+ allocations. We see if they're gonna make it or not gmi!

So, my dear followers. Here's my story and expectations. Now, it's your time to publish a piece of content for the contest to support the Bityard Donations. Also, you can use to sign up Bityard to trade over 100+ currencies. If you've no idea what Bityard is, how can you trade, please check my previous guide about it,

*This article is created to share my personal opinion on the way ahead. None of the words above contain any kind of investment advice! Please DYOR (Do Your Research) before investing.

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