Axie Infinity Tutorial Scholar!

Axie Infinity becomes more and more famous thanks to its Play-to-earn mechanics where you can earn the SLP token which can be exchanged for your local currency. This is the main reason why many are building real "Axie Infinity Scholarships". The operation is very simple a manager or a guild buys three axes to give to a player called "scholar" who will play on behalf of the manager. The earnings made online or the SLP token will then be divided between the scholar and the manager according to an agreed percentage.  

Axie infinity premises

This article assumes that you have already played Axie Infinity. So, you already have an Axie Infinity account, a METAMASK account and a Ronin account. Three axies might cost too much, the cheapest Axie costs around $ 150. There is no guarantee that the cheap Axie you purchased will be a good fighter in Arena and / or Adventure mode, and that could damage your entire performance. As you already know, the three axes in your team should have synergy with each other. The basic combo is that there are 1 defender and 2 attackers. You have to win to earn the SLP token. So this large initial investment is why many of those who cannot afford it and look to the Axie Infinity scholarships offered by managers.  

All clear then what to do?

In an Axie scholarship, the manager provides the three Axies that the player will use to play and earn SLPs. This is ideal for players who cannot purchase their own 3 axie squads. It is also ideal for players who want to learn more about Axie before making their initial investment. Whether Axie is right for them or not, the Axie Infinity Scholarship can help them with their initial decision.

What the Scholar Gets When He Joins an Axie Scholarship:

3 axies loaned out so they can start playing.

Managers provide information on the details of each Axie.

Tips for earning more SLPs.

Then the manager will take all the risks of buying the three Axies to lend to the player.

In this way, the player has the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what happens in Axie,

he hasn't lost anything!

Axie infinity tutorial redeem the SLP token

It depends on the agreement between the scholar and the manager. Some have a fixed date for example every 15 and 30 days of the month. Basically it is very simple. Sync SLP from game to Axie Infinity dashboard. Transfer SLP from Ronin to MetaMask Transfer the SLP from MetaMask to Binance, then trade it to USDT and then withdraw in your local currency via P2P.   Thank all, follow my blog for game blockchain NFT :