Avoid playing Mr. Doubting Thomas & Mrs. Doubt-Fire in 2021 and beyond

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” H.P. Lovecraft wrote those words in the 1920s. Those words are still relevant today and will be more relevant in 2021 and beyond.

These days of the “New Normal”, partial self-quarantining,  working from home inevitably implies Online Banking transactions, Online Marketing, Online selling and buying of Services and Products, online booking, e-commerce, Online Classes for Schools, Colleges, University Students, Online shopping, Online FOREX and Cryptocurrency Trading, Online zoom meetings, webinar training, WebEx calls, lonely shunted and working from Home and being  Online on your Personal Computer (PC), Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone, attending online presentations, Virtual meetings, Workshops, Training and Conferences using ZOOM, Webinars, Podcasts, Microsoft Teams, LinkedIn, Skype, YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Instagram, Snapchats and other Social media etc.

We are always being introduced to Subjects we never knew existed in 2000 or indeed paid attention to such as Machine Learning, Coding, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and the cyber world of the Digital Currency, Cryptos, Block Chains, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Exchanges and Digital Wallets. We all need to understand where the World is moving to. We all need to play catch up. You speed up or get peed on.

The Digital/crypto Currency is simply unstoppable. The train is still moving and moving forward and fast enough. We just have to trade with the trend and jump on now in 2021 if you are already not on. If you have to fall, fall forward but make sure you wake up, dust yourself up and move forward. Do not just make movements. Rocking Chairs and Rocking Horses make movements but they do not go anywhere. You have to take action and move forward and learn the cryptocurrency transactions.

It is understandable to question things. A doubting Mr. Thomas and or a Mrs. Doubt-Fire is a skeptic person who refuses to believe without direct personal experience, someone who rarely trusts or believes things before having proof : a doubtful or skeptical person. Granted, but how will you prove if you are not willing to find out by learning? Some learning and knowledge are best acquired through practical action of doing, e.g. When you are told to Download Apps on App Store or Google Store on your Mobile Phone or Google Search up the name of the Cryptocurrency Exchange or crypto wallet, you should do that in order to learn more about who created, why and the functions.

Willingness to learn is a passionate desire, wish or readiness to acquire new knowledge and develop. It means that an individual does not want to stand in one place. That the person wishes to be more qualified and keep up with the modern trends and tendencies. This willingness to learn cryptocurrencies, tokens, memes and NFTs is an extremely valuable quality to have especially now and beyond 2021. As all aspects of society are constantly changing. Our willingness to learn will ensure we can adapt, grow, and be successful in many areas of human endeavor.

One thing is for sure, success won’t fall in our laps. We all have a duty to pursue it. Beyond being personally or professionally beneficial, taking risks may be a necessary step in actively pursuing success. Embracing risk-taking helps us overcome a fear of failure.

Arianna Huffington has long identified the fear of failure as a major roadblock to success. You don’t achieve your dreams by playing it safe. Risk-taking won’t only potentially benefit the career-path you’re already on — it may actually open you up to a world of possibilities you have yet to consider. President and CEO of Engender Health Pamela Barnes urged female professionals to leave their comfort zone in order to achieve their potential in an interview with The Grindstone:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain.

A Chinese proverb goes like this. “Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.”

May I add, Digital currency is here to stay. Dive for it. What we thought of the FUTURE is already happening. We are already in the FUTURE on CRYPTOS. We just have to learn them.

Opportunity dances with those on the dance floor. You can’t always be watching from the terraces or the Balcony. The floor is open. The music is playing. The DJ/MC is live. You have to Dance. “Let’s Dance in 2021 and Beyond” See you at the Top. The Bottom is just too crowded. See you at the beach or at the Bank! Stay Safe and be blessed.