Astroworld (What is Astroport?)

Before we get into squeezing the juice out of $Astroport, I want to give you a bit of a back story so you understand the importance of everything going on in the ecosystem as a whole.

AstroportFi is built on Luna an ecosystem that is built on efficiency, stability, and scalability, the Terra team leaders Evan Kereiakes, Do Kwon, Marco Di Maggio, and Nicholas Platias, see a must to establish the importance of stable cryptocurrencies.

Luna provides the bridge for Bitcoin and fiat, giving growth-driven technology. Understanding how volatile our market can be, making it harder for us crypto guys to get the adoption we would love to see, whether it is to feed our families, create generational wealth, or even quit your day job. Luna is creating opportunities through technology like stable mining incentives which supports the elastic money supply on the network.

What is an elastic monetary policy?

The elastic monetary policy is Terra’s way to solve the current stability problem, giving more incentives for anyone joining the network; while behind the scenes we monetary elastic policy gives efficient spending back by a treasury.

Astroport was created to shine

What is an elastic monetary policy?

The elastic monetary policy is Terra’s way to solve the current stability problem, giving more incentives for anyone joining the network; while behind the scenes we monetary elastic policy gives efficient spending back by a treasury.

Astroport was created to shine

Earn Astroport providing liquidity pairs to the pools, looks like they even doubling up! Astroport is going to be the engine for the Terra network, it was built to help with trade and pricing.

Considering that's the main goal for the ecosystem to be the most stable protocol and that is exactly what they are doing giving efficiency moving towards adoption day in and day out.

How to get some $Astroport

Make sure you have the Terra Station set up, if you don't have one set up and need a guide to set up your wallet here you are:

Make sure you load it up, my favorite ways to buy and send to the Terra Station is either through

Now that you have that all settled, head over to

Once you get to the swap trade your Luna or UST for the Astro token and you are ready to go!


Now that you have some $Astro go have fun in the Astroport world add some liquidity and get some rewards!!


Terra World