As many of you know, SPOT has been added as yet another tipping token on Publish0x

As many of you know, SPOT has been added as yet another tipping token on Publish0x. For many people, including myself, there was a period in which that was a frustratingly pointless decision, since we had nowhere to which to withdraw it, nor a means to do so. However, that changed within the last few days to a week, at time of writing. Since SPOT is an ERC-20 and Atomic Wallet (a multi-currency and token wallet similar to Exodus) supports adding ERC-20s, provided you have the contract address, it's possible to add SPOT to Atomic. Here's how:

  • If you haven't already, download Atomic Wallet and create a wallet with a password. Be sure to make a backup of the wallet's secret seed phrase and password. (Atomic is supported on Android, iOS, GNU/Linux and Windows. I'm not sure about OS X, but you can always run it in a VM, although it might be a bit slow there.)
  • Once that's done, make sure that Ethereum (ETH) is one of the currency options displayed in your wallet. (On first run, the application asks you which coins and tokens you want. You can always change this later.) Close the application to apply changes.
  • Open your wallet and type your password.
  • Click on the "Wallet" tab on the left. In the "Search" box in the top bar, type "SPOT". The wallet view should change to display this message: No results found for "SPOT" and an "Add custom token" button.
  • Visit the SPOT homepage and click on "Get Spot". Scroll down and copy the contract address. Alternately, search for the token on CMC or Coin Gecko, before clicking the "Etherscan" link. (All of these are integrated into , another ERC-20). Searching Etherscan directly can be a bit hit and miss (mostly miss).
  • Back in Atomic, click on the 'Add Custom Token" button. Then, paste the contract address into the appropriate field. (This should happen automatically if you click on the field or the "paste" button, which looks like a clipboard.)
  • Click in the next field and wait for Atomic to populate the other fields. Then, click on the appropriate "Done" or "Add" button.
  • Now for the non-obvious part: Go back to the wallet tab and click on one of the currencies (such as ETH, which you selected during setup). Since SPOT is an ERC-20, your SPOT wallet will have the same address as your ETH wallet (which is why you need to have ETH enabled). If you want to confirm this, search again for "SPOT".
  • You can repeat this process for just about any ERC-20, provided you have the contract address. It's how I added AMPL to Atomic, for example.
  • Log in to Pub0x and navigate to "Settings".
  • Click on "SPOT" from the list in your wallet. Then, click the "Receive" button. Copy this address and paste it in the appropriate address text box on Publish0x.
  • Click "Save", then check your email for a message from Pub0x. Confirm the change.

Congratulations; you can now withdraw your earned SPOT to Atomic. (I'm assuming that you have a balance of at least 1 SPOT, depending on the exchange rate. SPOT has a lower withdraw limit than other tipping currencies; $1 as opposed to $5.) It's as easy as CAKE, isn't it?

Thumbnail image: Screenshot of Atomic wallet, showing the functionality for adding a custom ERC-20 token