Are crypto startups coming back?

Hello guys

Take a look at all the major crypto startups that are dying right now.

The era of lockdown is a time when people come to know the power of crypto and the benefits of investing in them, and that brings an opportunity for many startups to emerge as promising platforms or any other service providers related to cryptocurrency that can setup their brand and a place in the Web 3.0 world, but as soon as lockdown ends, the fall of these crypto startups starts.

What is a crypto currency startup?

A company that works as a coin or a blockchain in an emerging world of decentralised and secure ledgers provides peer-to-peer crypto transactions and networking, or social connectivity.

Effects are visible in the cryptocurrency market after the collapse of FTX, which made an impact on investors and users who lost faith in such platforms and made a clean sweep of their money from other platforms as well. With that move comes a big disaster for upcoming startups.

The year 2023 will change this, and we can see the emerging era of new startups that are ready to establish their name in the market. Some of the startups are Alpha Point, SKALE Labs. 

The comeback of crypto startups after so many downtrends and negative factors could be the start of a new era in the crypto market, and maybe it could evolve the web 3.0 to where we want it to be.

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