App para ganar ETH! App to win ETH!

Hola amigos!!!!

Hoy les traigo una app para ganar ETH, aqui esta el enlace ?? 

Se trata de cryptopop, una app en la que vas a ganar jugando, si, asi de simple lograras tus fracciones de ETH, totalmente gratis, solo dedicandole tiempo y divirtiendote!!! 

Tiene una interfaz muy simple.

Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es crearnos una cuenta de COINBASE si aun no la tenemos, y con solo ingresar el email podremos retirar nuestras fracciones de ETH!!!

Para ganar deberemos juntar 2 o mas bloques e irlos quitando, a mayor cantidad de bloques que saquemos mas puntos ganaremos!!! 

Se puede acumular un maximo de 150 mil puntos para retirar, que vendrian a ser 0,25 $ en ETH. Los retiros se podran hacer cada 3 dias, asi que si le dedicas algunas horas diarias lo conseguiras facilmente!

El Retiro llega instantaneamente a tu cuenta, yo retire ayer!! ??

Bueno amigos, como ven es muy facil!! Espero que les sirva y obtengan pequenos beneficios pero no olviden que seran gratis!!!

Hasta la proxima, besoossss!!!


Hello friends!!!!


 Today I bring you an app to earn ETH, here is the link ??







It is cryptopop, an app in which you will win playing, yes, that simple you will achieve your fractions of ETH, totally free, just spending time and having fun !!!


 It has a very simple interface.

The first thing we have to do is create a coinbase account if we don't have it yet, and just by entering the email we can withdraw our fractions of ETH !!!To win we must join 2 or more blocks and remove them, the more blocks we get, the more points we will win !!!

A maximum of 150 thousand points can be accumulated to withdraw, which would be $ 0.25 in ETH. Withdrawals can be made every 3 days, so if you dedicate a few hours a day you will easily achieve it!

The Withdrawal reaches your account instantly, I withdraw yesterday! ??

Well friends, how come it is very easy !! I hope it helps you and you get small benefits but don't forget that they will be free!


 Until next time, besoossss !!!