Anxiety and premature aging

After the last few years of lockdown, many people have reported Anxiety issues and some are suffering from depression too which is the next stage of anxiety. There are several reasons for this and once it is triggered, it takes a few months to settle down. If it is left untreated, it will even lead to other complications making it hard to get our life back. Two years back I was affected by anxiety and stress disorder. It took me a lot of time to just identify that what I had was anxiety and stress.

Something did not give me enough sleep and woke me in the middle of the night. During the initial days, I thought it was a heart attack and rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night. Then it was continuously happening once in 3 days. Only after taking all the tests on my body, I was able to identify that it was because of anxiety and stress. It took me a while to endure and slowly get rid of it. Sleeping pills and depression medications did not help me. It was complicating my condition and I finally came out of it with a practical understanding of what anxiety is all about in the last year (touch wood), I did not get any of those symptoms and I also did a lot of lifestyle changes.

One of the biggest reasons why I wanted to write this article was to compare anxiety and premature aging. I was able to notice that I started aging rapidly within that one year. I had a huge fear in my life and that has caused so much worry and I started aging rapidly. This was one of the biggest learnings for me that having a calm and peaceful mind is very important to not age faster. I noticed that I was aging faster through a few symptoms. I started getting digestion issues and because of digestion issues, I couldn't get enough nutrition to the body. The second evident thing was that I started getting hair within a short span. Before that, I used to have only a few here and there. But after anxiety, I started seeing a lot of white hair both in my head as well as mustache and beard.

Relax to age slow

Some people may not believe this but I have some personal experience on this. I wouldn't say for sure that relaxing would reverse aging but it is the other way round. I was able to see that I was aging faster because I was highly stressed out and also had anxiety issues. I couldn't get proper sleep and all these things were dependent on each other. If I don't get proper sleep my digestion would get affected. If my digestion gets affected, nutrition in my body also gets affected. I started having deficiencies and I had to take some special supplements to improve my health. I felt very weak when it happened. I used to think that if I ate something crunchy, I might break my teeth.

I was also able to see that my body skin was also changing and it was becoming very soft and sensitive. All these things were also connected to the mind and I started focusing on all the small details and started worrying too much. Later I gave it some time, did not think much about my body, and started focusing on the next things that I had to do. I was also ready to embrace death if at all it was going to happen. I had nothing to fear death. All these thoughts slowly relaxed me and I stopped getting more white hair on my face and head. People say happiness reduces the speed at which we age. I started looking for opportunities to stay happy.

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