Ankr Q2 recap

Following an already established Ankr tradition, we are happy to share our Q2 recap — the most important events that happened in the Ankr ecosystem in April, May, and June 2021. Here we go:

Happy Birthday, Ankr!

Starting from the top — on June 23rd, Ankr turned 3! It’s been a journey with many twists and turns, ups and downs and exciting launches as we do our best to meet the growing demand for Web 3.0 infrastructure services. We can proudly say that we continue to grow and develop in any market conditions. Here’s to many more!

Product updates

  • This quarter we re-launched StakeFi as a launchpad for internet bonds — innovative reward-based financial instruments. You can find out the difference between internet bonds and staking here, it’s quite exciting!

  • As BINANCE Smart Chain keeps gaining momentum as one of the leading L1 solutions in crypto, in Q2 we have been building out the most comprehensive set of developer tools for BSC.
  • Developer APIs are among the most popular services provided by Ankr. We keep expanding our API services to new projects to empower Web 3.0 adoption through accessible, easy-to-use infrastructure. Learn more here.

ANKR token updates

Q3 has also been exciting for those of you who are holding and actively trading ANKR. Our native ecosystem token was listed on Gemini and Kraken and began trading on SushiSwap, Polygon, and PancakeSwap.

New partnerships

  • Hathor

Creating this integration with Ankr is especially useful for dApp developers, that can leverage the use of full nodes to bring their ideas to life on Hathor Network.

  • Dvision

The brand new Binance Smart Chain bridge by NFT metaverse platform Dvision is powered by Ankr’s Web3 infrastructure.

Ankr offers a turnkey, scalable solution for Binance Smart Chain that can be relied upon for building blockchain applications at scale. Curvegrid’s MultiBaas blockchain middleware and Ankr’s node services work together to support Dvision’s next-generation decentralized AR/VR vision, powering both their bridge and NFT marketplace.

  • Moonbeam

This integration opens the doors to the fast-paced Moonbeam and Polkadot ecosystems for Ankr, which has been working towards expanding its infrastructure services to prominent parachains on Polkadot. Moonbeam’s powerful Ethereum compatibility enables Ankr to port its Ethereum-based code to Polkadot with minimal to no changes required.

  • Vite

The $ANKR token will be easily transferable cross-chain and there will be a temporary increase of market-making as mining rewards to 10X for ANKR/BTC trading pair.

  • Nervos

Further support has been added to the Nervos Nodes.

  • Polygon

Ankr has expanded its API services to Layer-2 solution. Ankr and Polygon will enable developers to build and scale DeFi products and improve the user experience for Ethereum DApps.

  • Curate

Ankr will support Curate through API services to empower its in-app NFT platform that enables its users to get a stake boost multiplier by holding their NFTs.

Curate customers will be able to purchase collectible items with $ANKR tokens.

  • Covalent

Covalent allows building cryptocurrency wallets for all purposes, including multi-chain wallets.

Ankr’s infrastructure, in turn, allows to scale such products and power them for public use through validator nodes, API, and seed investment.

Social media action

We were thrilled to hit 100,000 followers on Twitter and 10,000 members on Reddit. To try and answer all the questions from our growing community, we conducted our first-ever Reddit AMA — you can find the recap here.

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