Ampleforth: from eli5 to au100yo

If your financial situation is difficult and there are no answers in the traditional and familiar ways, it may be time to try to find ways and different ways to get that return with your money. At this stage in history, the foray into the world of cryptocurrencies can help, not only to solve difficult situations on the economic plane, but also help in moving towards a new future.

The world of cryptocurrencies is a way that for many has been the solution to difficult inconveniences and but little by little they have been able to adapt with the continuous learning of their different products that focus on originality and the new way of innovating with technology. . It is time that the world of printed money was seen as something that has an expiration date and that its excessive form can drag us to the bottom of a system that has no response to situations like the one we live with this pandemic.

Among so many products that help us better understand new ways to play and save with our money are a branch of cryptocurrencies that focuses on the independence of finances. A line that does not depend on an institution that dictates rules and that does not play based on market rules, and always aims to benefit the user and not the system.

This branch, known as Decentralized Finance (DeFi), is the way to balance the game from end to end, without the need for third parties in the relationship. The products or instruments that are derived from this line are formed under a criterion of transparency and inefficiency. And with this, we focus our writing on Ampleforth (AMPL), a project that combines technology and financial criteria.

Of a technological order because they help this token to control its value through a computer program, or smart contract, which executes instructions that control the issuance of its existence. This gives it an adaptive factor, an elastic offering.

With computer science because it makes the best of its value with the supply and demand of its tokens; a change in these two variants will directly affect the value of each AMPL unit. This ensures that there is no depression in the value of this token or an unnecessary overvaluation that inflates the value in a bubble without a back.

The interesting thing about AMPL is that it has a value equal to $ 1, which would be considered in the world of cryptocurrencies as a stable currency, with a single value, but really it is the opposite, it seeks to maintain a purchasing power based on the dynamics of its existence in circulation.

AMPL is a unique free design, which represents, for those who are knowing the cryptographic world, an opportunity to play a key role in Peruvian finance. This platform allows people to be protagonists of their own money, giving the confidence to suppress the inflationary effects that many units of value are subject to.

Technology changes everyone's life, automation advances and every aspect of our life will change, immediately, and this is not unheard of in the financial world. If we have initiatives that give us the power to control our way of managing values, why not take it and be the ones who determine the rules, AMPL is born and grows in favor of our way of adapting, it is a project that exercises great responsibility in a initiative that will be vital on the issue of digital finance.

With this article I hope you can give an idea of how AMPL will stop your way of thinking, under an ELI5 standard you can get to know much better and go deeper into such an enveloping subject, but if definitive it is written for all ages under 100 years old.