American News Agency Associated Press Is Partnering With Chainlink ($LINK)

American non-profit news agency Associated Press (AP) has announced that it is partnering with decentralized oracle network Chainlink to “help bring economic, sports and race call data onto blockchains, the decentralized computer networks for recording information in an unalterable way.”

AP’s blog post about this announcement, which was published on October 21, featured an interview with Dwayne Desaulniers, who is AP’s director of blockchain and data licensing.

Desaulniers says Chainlink is “the bridge AP will use to ensure our news and data can be consumed by blockchain applications and services.”

When asked how developers will be able to use AP data, he replied:

Developers who are writing applications to run on the blockchain will be able to access the AP data and information they need via the AP Chainlink node. For example, developers writing an application on the blockchain may require a quarterly GDP figure to automate a trade, or a developer writing an on-chain sports application may need the scores, schedules or latest injury reports to build a fantasy sports game. AP will be publishing this kind of data onchain for these applications to access.

As for why AP wanted to put AP news on the blockchain, he said:

Trust. The core purpose of a blockchain is to be a publicly accessible, safe and secure record of verified information. Because AP is such an important source for fact-based and trusted information around the world, we see this as an opportunity to provide blockchain users with data and info they can trust. We believe that blockchain networks are a fundamentally important technology because they not only allow but demand veracity.

Lastly, he explained what other information AP plans to put on the blockchain in the future:

That largely depends on what developers and artists need in terms of data and information they can trust. We know that, at this point, financial and sports data is in great demand. We’ve also learned directly that accurate election race calls are in demand for new types of prediction markets. With Chainlink, we’ll be able to keep a finger on the pulse of the blockchain economy and serve data needs as they evolve.

Featured Image by “MichaelGaida” via Pixabay