AMA Satoshi Club x Shroomz, October 27th

We were delighted to welcome our guest from Shroomz. The AMA took place on October 27th, 2021 and our guest was @PaulStametsHat.

Part 1?—?introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello again, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce AMA with Shroomz ??

Jonah ????: Our guest today is @PaulStametsHat

Jonah ????Hello Welcome to Satoshi Club ??

Paul StametsHat: Hey everyone!

Paul StametsHat: pleased to be here

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hey ?? nice to e-meet you ??

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: How are you doing?

Paul StametsHat: very well! we are finalizing all the last pieces needed to launch Acidheadz on Friday. Very excited to get these things into the world!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Oh how exciting it is????

Jonah ????: That’s close.. and we also are excited

Paul StametsHat: they look and sound AMAZING! nothing like them in the space.

Paul StametsHat: wanna see a few samples before we begin?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Tell us more about this! Of course??

Paul StametsHat: all custom animations and custom tunes!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Everyone who is watching, please turn on the sound????????

Paul StametsHat: yes sound is a BIG part of all Lysergic Labs drops!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I dance with them ??

Jonah ????: These are Amazing.. ??

Paul StametsHat:

Paul StametsHat: lots of work and love goes into making them. we feel so lucky to be able to do this as our jobs.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: They are beautiful??

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: So! Let’s start! Introduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & Shroomz

Tell us please about your position in Shroomz

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And I can’t stop looking at it??

Paul StametsHat: I am PaulStametsHat. I have been involved in the crypto space since 2012 or so when I realized what was happening with bitcoin and Silk Road. What initially sparked my interest was the privacy and anti-censorship properties that crypto provided. It wasn’t until much later that cryptocurrencies as a long-term investment became my focus…which is unfortunate for me! I held lots of really cheap bitcoin, but was spending it anywhere I could because I believed that people needed to use it as peer-to-peer electronic cash if we wanted to see mass adoption.

My role in Acidheadz is creative director. I have a decade of experience in design and music production and was approached by a crypto-specific design house called Yung Crypto Media to join their roster as an artist/creative director. The Lysergic Labs crew approached my employer about handling the creative direction for shroomz (and then kept us on board for Acidheadz) and it was pretty much an immediate yes. We liked the vibe of the team and are big supporters of the responsible use of psychedelics by competent adults, so it was a no brainer for us to hop onto this project.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Wow! so you bought the pizza for bitcoin ??

Jonah ????:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This is incredible! you are an early bird! Your great experience is impressive!!! ??????

Paul StametsHat: oh man! SO glad this wasn’t me!! But I was not far off.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Give us a brief introduction to the project. What is the essence of Shroomz

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We were all wrong … Yet we are still in the early stages of mass adoption. And we have many chances ahead ??????

Paul StametsHat: Acidheadz is the second drop from Lysergic Labs and “Phase Two” on the shroomz roadmap. The team’s idea with shroomz was to create a deflationary nft that would act as the currency in the Lysergic Labs ecosystem. The first order of business was to create a really high quality drop that stood out from a crowded space and so we created shroomz?—?which is a 3D-animated nft with custom music. We wanted to do something different than all the static PFP drops that were coming out and so doing 3D animation and having musicians compose custom music seemed like a really fun way to do it and it seems to have resonated with people.

Acidheadz is similar except the animation is way more intricate and the music is much more high quality and just better imo. We also synced the animation with the music, so it looks really pro! The point here is to create another really high quality drop that can be minted by burning shroomz. This is the krux of the deflationary aspect of shroomz. Shroomz holders can burn shroomz to mint new drops at a significant discount to the ether mint price. You can mint an Acidheadz for 0.69 eth…or by burning one shroomz!

“Phase Three” of the shroomz roadmap is ShroomDAO where holders will get to decide on the direction and roadmap of the project including some specifics on the future utility of Acidheadz as well as design of future Lysergic Labs drops. It is our goal to have a very engaged community that can actually dictate the direction of the project to a large degree. Basically, we want to give our community access to all the artists, musicians, and devs we have at our disposal and let them decide what we do. This just seems so much more fun than a team telling the community whats next.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: agree! you are making a very high quality product. Please tell us about the team who helps to bring this to life?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Who is on the project team core?

Paul StametsHat: So, as I mentioned, I work for Yung Crypto Media. This is a design house that caters to the crypto space. They work with teams to design tokens and NFTs, do branding work, build websites, represent artists and act as a management company, etc. When Lysergic Labs was just starting out, they approached Yung Crypto Media with an idea and a small team. Yung Crypto Media then worked within its roster of artists, coders, musicians, etc. to fill out the team and get things started.

The first thing they set up was assigning me as creative director and linked me up with the very first dev, called Shiitake. We set about getting the artwork/music and python development together so that we could randomly generate these NFTs from a pool of attributes. I went after some amazing artists and musicians that produced the incredible content for these drops. Could not be prouder of the work that they did. We love our artists!!

Next, they sorted us with a beast of a blockchain dev that does all the contracts for us. They have written quite a few really solid contracts for some pretty big projects over the years. We are basically able to come up with a basic idea of what we need and this dev makes it a reality.

We also have a pair of front end devs that do fantastic work. They build the websites and the web3 integration. They designed the beautiful website that shows the graphical display of the shroomz in your wallet. They made it so that the burn process is super efficient, easy to use, and looks really slick.

Then we have a marketing and promotional team that makes sure people know what we are up to. They get the word out so that we are able to be successful with our drops. In fact, they set this AMA up for me! They are also responsible for a lot of the partnerships we have with some big influencers as well as designing all the amazing graphics, videos, etc. that you see in our announcements and on our socials.

The last piece of the puzzle is the advisors and the partners we have on board. These are some giants in the NFT space and all of them are very knowledgeable and super connected. We would not be where we are today without them. We are eternally grateful for their support and direction.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Wow! Dream team! Is your team anonymous?

Paul StametsHat: yes. anonymous at the moment.

Jonah ????: Ok.. are they all from same region

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I know you are mainly based in discord. are you planning to expand on other social networks?

Paul StametsHat: no we are spread out across the globe. someone from the team is always awake and accessible. we are in North America, Asia, and Europe.

Paul StametsHat: we are mainly in discord, yes. we are also on twitter, instagram, and tiktok.

we feel that discord is just a far more robust platform for NFTs than telegram and so we have not even bothered doing a telegram.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And I still can’t stop looking at it??

Paul StametsHat: haha! pretty trippy!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes, many projects are developing into discord??

Paul StametsHat: we have one with a background done by Symmetric Vision (StingrayZ on reddit) that is absolutely STUNNING. He is a BEAST!!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I want to see him??

Paul StametsHat: his work is incredible.

Paul StametsHat: Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for sharing??

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for great introduction, we have several questions which were selected for the 1st part. Ready to start?

Paul StametsHat: his drug replications are legendary

Paul StametsHat: all set!

Q1 from Telegram User @Lena_V10

I can see that apart from drawings/animations SHROOMZ also include tunes composed by musicians in their NFT’s. So, could you please clarify us that, alike your drawings the tunes are also provided by your musicians who are working for your project? And, will each NFT item of SHROOMZ have different tunes? Lastly, do you think that adding tunes in your items can make a difference in your NFT item beside others who doesn’t have tunes in their arts? Thank you.

Paul StametsHat: We work with a Music Director called Charles LP. He is a wicked producer and has many connections in the music industry. We tell him what sort of vibe we want in these drops and he makes it happen. For acidheadz he hooked it up with some big names?—?people like Octave Cat, Beard-o-Bees, Leo P, and Clay Sears (who is the touring guitarist for huge acts like Jay-Z and Janet Jackson)?—?to collaborate on the music. Musical collaborations with established artists is something we are pursuing pretty aggressively for future releases.

Shroomz contained 50 custom tunes. 49 were composed specifically for the project and one was licensed by one of my favorite drum and bass producers called Technical Itch. It’s BRUTAL!!

Acidheadz contains 21 custom tunes. All composed just for this project.

We believe that music will become a huge part of the NFT space in the near future. I can tell you from my firsthand experience in the music industry that they are constantly looking for new ways to deliver music to consumers and are salivating over the potential of NFTs.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it’s incredible! so many influential people help you develop the project??????

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers! Ready to proceed to the next question?

Paul StametsHat: we are very fortunate to be able to work with the people we do.

Paul StametsHat:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: because the best projects attract the best people ??

Q2 From Telegram User @MudaraSilva

It caught my attention that you have a plan to burn shroomz to mint rare NFT artwork from legendary artists. What is the legal condition of accessing artwork by legendary artists? Don’t you need to get the consent of their relatives? Moreover, it is not clear whether everyone will be able to burn shroomz to mint NFTs. What is the process of choosing artists? Can shroomz holders decide which artist to choose? After minting NFTs, can users sell them on any NFT marketplace? What is the procedure of making money with these NFTs? Is there a special reason to choose the theme of rare NFT artwork from legendary artists?

Paul StametsHat: So all the artists we work with are paid an upfront fee for their work as well as receive royalties on secondary market sales. This is something that a lot of projects don’t do, but it is important to us to make sure we pay our artists well! Nothing we release will ever be done without a fair and well-paying deal with the artists.

These drops will be exclusive and have limited amounts available. Acidheadz is the first and there are only 2,690 in total. We plan on doing some that are even more rare…just a handful available. We all know the value of scarcity and this is part of what adds value to the drops. So, while not every shroomz holder will be able to get into every drop, there will be several drops over time so holders will have many chances to get into one.

For now, we choose artists that we are fans of and that do incredible work. But this is certainly something that we could put to a vote once ShroomDAO is live.

Once a user mints an NFT, they are free to do with them whatever they please.

Jonah ????: Which artist have you personally chosen?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Where can we get drops?

Paul StametsHat: for acidheadz we worked with: Mr. Penfold?—? Symmetric Vision?—? StametsHat: drops will usually be minted directly on our website

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: share the link with us please ????

Paul StametsHat: right now there is …but the main Lysergic Labs site is being built right at this very moment…??

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Pay attention Satoshi Clubbers??

Paul StametsHat: we have some fun things in store

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: it’s really very cool ??????

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your great answers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Let’s proceed to the next question??

Paul StametsHat: we love the great questions!

Q3 from Telegram User @Jmagsss

I just found out that your NFTs contain 800 million possible audio-visual combinations. Surely, mixing large quantity of data like that, systematically and algorithmically, requires a large computing power and codes. Can you share with us how did you and your team pulled off something big like this? Did you use special computers for this feature?

Paul StametsHat: This is a fantastic question. Since we are not doing the typical 2D, static jpeg we require a great deal of computing power. 800m possible combinations for shroomz and several BILLION for acidheadz.

what we do is break down attributes and accessories into different categories and then use a custom python script to randomly select from these categories to assemble completely unique NFTs.

We found out VERY quickly that your basic desktop, even one that is super spec’d out?—?could only make about 1 per minute. So, we needed to rent AWS computing power. It took about 390 CPUs with 800 GB RAM for shroomz and 360 CPUs with 720 GB RAM for acidheadz. Even with this power it took about 8h to render all of them.

It is also tricky to load all of this data onto OpenSea…as we found out with shroomz. We did an instant reveal and the load broke OpenSea!

To avoid this confusion for acidheadz (which are even bigger files…) we introduced a 48h reveal period just to give OPENSEA enough time to get everything loaded.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: this is a rather detailed incomprehensible and elegant solution as I see it ??

Paul StametsHat: our python dev Shittake is brilliant and figured this out in no time!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Only such extraordinary guys as you could think of this ????

Paul StametsHat: thanks! you are very kind.

Jonah ????: Very impressive Job

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Ready for the next question?

Paul StametsHat:

Q4 from Telegram User @Highpee

Yesterday, you introduced Shroominati Special Role as a way to strengthen your community and to reward your core supporters. These Shroominati members are part of the community that will be granted the closest relationship directly with the team and their ideas will be constantly taken into consideration by the project developers. Can you elaborate more on Shroominati roles or Shroominati members and how community members are granted access into this exclusive group? Who are the first set of users that have been admitted into this group and why must they be the one to suggest new members that will subsequently be invited and added to take up Shroominati roles? Apart from exclusive access to the team and NFT Airdrop that Shroominati members will receive, what are the other benefits of being of being a dedicated Shroominati?

Paul StametsHat: Another great question and super current!

The shroominati role was developed as a way to reward super active community members by directing part of the team’s marketing budget to pay them for their contributions.

there are currently only a handful of members and they were chosen because they have been active in the project since inception. They arrange twitter raids, make promotional videos, constantly make good suggestions about how the team can improve (and the team listens!), etc.

this just launched yesterday and the current members are deciding how they want to induct new members. the team is leaving that largely up to them.

besides the benefit of getting a free mint in all future Lysergic Labs drops, they also are active participants in the future direction of the entire ecosystem. Basically, the shoominati and the team are the think tank that come up with the big ideas for the project. Once there are actionable decisions to be made, they will go to ShroomDAO for a vote. So, while shroominati get to suggest plans for the project, they need the approval of tha DAO to put those plans into action. Its a system of checks and balances that we think will work quite nicely.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: real crypto democracy ??

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Let’s proceed to the next question?

Paul StametsHat: yes exactly. we ultimately want to DAO to run the show!

Paul StametsHat: lets do it!

Q5 from Telegram User @victorogb

From the rather brief information contained in the roadmap, it is stated that Shroomz will look to fully launch it’s “shroomDAO” as part of its Phase three project development stage. Been that the DAO would most certainly function as an administrative and governance arm of Shroomz when fully operational, can you kindly provide us with details on how the DAO structure will be constituted, what categories of persons, artists, creators or investors will make up the DAO? Also since no specific date is provided for this, may we know when the DAO is expected to be fully functional?

Paul StametsHat: At the moment, the fully functional DAO timing is TBA. However, it is the very next thing we will be focusing on after a successful Acidheadz launch.

The idea here is that the team, with assistance from the shroominati, will present high level ideas to the DAO to vote on. So the DAO controls all of the decision making on the details necessary to implement the overall plan. Everything will need DAO approval, so holders hold a lot of power in this ecosystem.

These will be things like future utility of drops, design ideas, and just the overall direction of the entire ecosystem. We want this to eventually be run in its entirety by holders.

We want to put the tools in the hands of holders to really dictate the direction of this project. We understand that community is everything in this space and the more we can involve them in the decision making process, the better. It’s also just way more fun for everyone involved to have a really robust back and forth between the team and community. We are every bit as excited about that aspect of the project as our community is!

Jonah ????: Will there be a Minimum Holding requirement for participation in the DAO?

Paul StametsHat: details will be announced soon, some of which are dependent on a few things that will be apparent after the shroomz burn.

first, we want to get an idea of the distribution of acidheadz. It is our hope that as many people as possible are able to mint them and we feel like we have set up the burn/mint process in a way that will accomplish this. Next, the burn will have an effect on shroomz rarity and we want to know exactly what that looks like before we announce specifics regarding DAO holdings.

Q6 from Telegram user @yellowchamp

Some of Shroomz rare NFT is only available in OpenSea,so why do you choose to sell your NFT in OpenSea? What advantages you see in OpenSea?Do you plan to sell your NFT to other NFT Marketplaces like in Rarible or BINANCE NFT Marketplace or other NFT Marketplaces? Do you also have plan to launch your own NFT marketplace in the future?Thank you

Paul StametsHat: All of our drops are minted on our own websites and can be sold on secondary markets like OpenSea. Despite all its shortcomings and occasional glitchiness, we still believe OS is the most robust marketplace available. We think this could change very soon, but for now it’s the best option.

We currently have no plans to launch our own marketplace.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Discord: OpenSea: Twitter: Satoshi Clubbers! Join please??????

Q1 from Telegram User @King_Raja

As Total Of 2,690 Acidheadz are available, In Future, Will any more Acidheadz be minted or this is it?

Paul StametsHat: There will never be more than 2,690 acidheadz…ever!

Q2 from Telegram User @hmdtadel

the NFTs on your website are sold out, but are you guys planning to create more NFTs in the near future??

Paul StametsHat: yes shroomz is sold out, but available on opensea. acidheadz will mint on 29 October at 3pm UTC at www.acidheadz.coolQ3 from Telegram User @Nonerlike

What is the maximum shroomz can I mint and have you done any presale or not?

Paul StametsHat: no presale. everyone has a fair shot at minting. the number of acidheadz you can mint is determined by the rarity of the shroomz you burn…or you can buy for 0.69 eth, but I would not recommend that! from Telegram User @maryram

I wonder is this a long term project for users who wants to invest to crypto?

Paul StametsHat: we plan on being around for the long haul! we feel so fortunate to be able to make this artwork and share it with you. we will make these until the day we die or until YOU, our community, tell us to stop!! ??

Q5 from Telegram User @barisbektas1

Nowadays I think old jpegs are obsolete, how does Shroomz plan to fill this space after jpegs become history? What is Shroomz doing to make the market space creative and interesting?

Paul StametsHat: We could not agree more, mate! We think the days of static 2D jpegs are numbered. we focus only on 3D animated mp4’s with custom music!! we think this is the future of NFTs.

Q6 from Telegram User @messilolz

What is special about your project with similar projects in the market? Can you share your views what makes you unique and what are your strengths?

Paul StametsHat: The caliber of the art is probably the most dramatic difference between Acidheadz and most of the nft space. We focus on high quality 3D animation and custom music. So, this is not your basic static PFP drop. We think that the days of boring old jpegs are numbered and we really wanted to push the space forward into a more creative and interesting place. You may have noticed the amount of 3D and 3D animated drops that have come out since we released shroomz and we like to think we are partially responsible for that. We have even had projects hit us up and tell us we were the inspiration for them doing 3D drops. We absolutely love that and think that 3D and music is the future of nfts.

Also, the idea of a deflationary NFT that acts as the currency in a vibrant ecosystem is something that has not been done before (at least to our knowledge). Acidheadz has the potential to burn away 25% of the total shroomz in one go…and we all know what scarcity does to the value of an item.

Q7 from Telegram User @Emidm28

I noticed that Shroomz has a community group on Discord but has no group on Telegram. Telegram is one of the social networks most used by cryptocurrency and blockchain technology projects. What are the reasons why you prefer Discord? Have you considered creating a group on Telegram to have more reach?

Paul StametsHat: Discord is just a much more robust platform for the NFT space. We can use bots that show rarity info, price info, and also bots that keep scammers away. It is just a much more orderly way to present information to a group. And it has become the standard for NFT projects. We have no intention of starting a telegram. YOu can find us on discord, twitter, instagram, and tiktok.

Q8 from Telegram User @Karry1999

Shroomz are stored

as ERC721 tokens

on the ethereum , I want to know Why you decided to go for Ethereum, Is Other blockchains also be Integrated ?

Paul StametsHat: we went with ethereum only because it is the most established chain for NFTs. the infrastructure is just far beyond that of other chains. HOWEVER, we HATE gas fees as much as you do!!! We are definitely looking at other chains for future drops…

Q9 from Telegram User @Rinkus987

Is there any Technical knowledge is Required to get Started with the SHROOMZ PLATFORM, Or New Crypto Users like me also Use this platform effectively ?

Paul StametsHat: we went to great lengths to make it as simple as possible. to mint acidheadz, simply have shroomz in a wallet, connect that wallet on and it will bring up a graphical representation of all the shroomz in your wallet. then just select which you want to burn and you will burn to mint! easy peasy!!

Q10 from Telegram User @KASG95

If Charles LP gathered all the music for acidheadz?—?he wrote a ton of tracks, brought in guests, ran the community music competition, and ended up with 21 tracks for this release, could you give us details of well-known tracks and artists that participated in this NFT release?

Paul StametsHat:

this is our guitarist on the left…

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Shroomz. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

 English Telegram group:  Russian Telegram group: Spanish Telegram group:  Telegram Channel: partners: Shroomz Website?—? Shroomz Discord– @Shroomz