Alter is here to bring real privacy messaging & file sharing on Web 3.0

There is a concern when it comes to security and privacy in messaging and email applications. Many of these applications, such as Whatsapp, and Telegram, do not have privacy and preserving communications. With privacy being a global problem, Alter hopes to give privacy back to the user and offer companies a decentralized alternative.  Alter takes a radical new approach to messaging using blockchain technology and specialized encryption approach. One of the key differences with Alter is that it gives you private keys, so the user has total control of their messages and files, making it part of the next generation of privacy-preserving technology. 

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Alter is the world's first blockchain-based decentralized messaging service platform, built on Secret Network. Using a secure data integrity sharing model that provides privacy by design will be launching soon, following later along with its governance token.

Alter intends to be a privacy-preserving secure communication platform leveraging Secret Contracts on the Secret Network blockchain. From a simple send & receive messages with file attachments to a global network with built features of sending and receiving funds, acquiring NFTs, and more.

Alter will have a governance token that gives voting rights to users to vote on applications upgrades and enhancements, giving back control to the community for transparency and integrity. This token will have a limited supply to provide stable and democratic governance and maintain what's important, which is privacy in communications.  Users will keep the token within their integrated wallets, along with stablecoins and other assets built on the secret network. By using more Alter, the users will receive more tokens as a reward for active participation.

"Alter will play a key role in unlocking the full value of a decentralized future in Web 3.0 because privacy is not only a human right, but also an important utility. Without privacy, users are in danger of damaging their social life, finances, control of data, and control of identity (impersonation risk). Surveillance by centralized entities and a range of data harvesting applications compromise our data - allowing malicious entities to leverage this data to manipulate economics, culture, global relations, and even "truth" itself." It is time to jump off the grid from the primary internet and make privacy manageable.

Says the founder Oskars Jepsis. He and his team believe that the best way to have a safer, more reliable digital experience is by maintaining a balance of access and control within the web allowing sensitive information to be safe and not manipulated or controlled by third parties. 

Alter concentrates on bringing awareness surrounding how insecure and unreliable email and messaging apps are - applications that we use daily for work and personal use. No number of workarounds will patch up the fundamental inherent insecure architecture of the current applications that provide email and messaging on the market.  Therefore, blockchain technology is essential. Alter as a product has a fundamentally different architecture than other non-blockchain-based alternatives.

The application has been awarded so far with the Secret Network grant and funding for EIT Digital, one of Europe's largest digital innovation ecosystems. The Alter community is also multiplying fast. More than a thousand users have already subscribed to their beta version. Privately held companies are also interested in this dapp as they believe that WEB 3.0 is the future of security and privacy.

You can go to Atler's or join their community by following their social media sites.