Alpha Network - Mobile Crypto Mining

Hi folks,

I have recently came across a mobile app that does a crypto mining, yes, really. I though the same really? I got curious and wanted to give it a go on my extra phone that was lying around collecting dust. After using it for a few days, i can see it is collecting some coins. Not sure if i will get anything but the time will tell i suppose. So finger cross.. haha

This is what the white paper says which include their vision...

If you interested and see how this goes, here is what you need to do.

  • Download Alpha Network app or on a google app store (sorry, i don't use iOS, there will be one for that too)
  • You will need to create an account - you will also need a referral, you can use this MahenDhital
  • You will then click on start mining (it stops after 24 hours so you will start again after 24 hours)
  • They do give you option to boost mining every half hour
  • The boost can different such as  boost by .5X, .15X or some free coins
  • Each boost will have an option to x3 by watching a 30 second add (they must make tons just from that i would say ..)
  • And that's it..

Here are some screenshots for your reference..


If you have spare phone i suggest give it a go.. 


Stay safe everyone

