Alien Worlds Updates: Planet Binance, Staking, NFT Claim Process

Hello fellow explorers. I know that we have all been busy exploring the galaxy in search of Trilium and NFTs, but I thought it was time to regroup and cover some of the latest Alien Worlds updates so that we can get the most out of our gaming experience. In today's post we've got a lot to cover including, a sneak peak of Planet BINANCE missions, an update to the way you claim NFT mining rewards, updates to the NFT shining process, and an updated R-planet staking algorithm that changes how much Aether you earn from staking your Alien Worlds NFTs. Its a lot to cover, so I'll try to make it quick so you can get back to mining! 

Where Are My NFTs?

I'll start with what I consider to be the most important update first. In the past, any NFT rewards that you got from mining were automatically deposited in your wallet, but you must now manually claim NFT mining rewards. I don't know why this process was changed, but if you were getting a lot of NFTs and then all of a sudden aren't getting anymore, this could be part of the reason. I cover the process in the video, or you can follow the official instructions here. I initially tried to do this process on the BRAVE browser but kept getting errors until I switched to Chrome. Although I like the Brave browser, I prefer to use Chrome when doing anything with the WAX Blockchain (Alien Worlds, R-Planet, Atomic Hub, etc) as I seem to get far fewer errors. 

Planet Binance Sneak Peak'

Unfortunately, we are still waiting for the full release of Planet Binance on Alien Worlds, but we did get a sneak peak that the team pushed out at the start of the month. As you can see from this image, explorers will have the ability to stake TLM (and later BNB) to rent a spacecraft and send it on special missions. 

At the end of the mission, explorers will be able to claim a portion of the total TLM rewards pool as well as getting special NFT mission cards. The NFT mission cards will give the player a number of advantages on future missions and during phase two, players will be able to stake their NFT mission cards to boost their share of the TLM rewards from sending their spacecraft on missions. In reality, the Planet Binance "missions" are a gamified approach to staking TLM and BNB which I think is a great benefit because it gives players more flexibility in how they play and enjoy the game and provides a more passive way of participating than having to constantly log in to mine. 


Shining Updates

To be honest, I haven't shined any tools in Alien Worlds as I felt that the cost of shining outweighed the benefits, but the team has recently made some updates that make shining more attractive. After conducting a number of reviews, the team has made a number of changes and adjusted the shining fees to make shining a more appealing proposition for players. Further, the team has opened up shining to include minions and weapons in addition to tools and avatars. As I said, shining isn't really my thing, but I think it's great the team is listening to players and incorporating feedback to make the game more enjoyable and accessible. If you had considered shining, but didn't feel that it was worth the TLM cost, this might be your chance to go for it.

R-Planet Staking Rewards

Many of you already know that R-Planet allows you to stake unused Alien Worlds NFTs and earn a bit of the Aether cryptocurrency as passive income. When the system was first implemented, the Aether rewards  were completely out of of proportion to the value of the NFTs, and a low cost shovel was earning only slightly less than an expensive basic explosive. With the R-Planet update, Alien Worlds cards now earn Aether that more accurately reflects their true value. For example, the Aether rewards on a standard shovel have dropped to zero, but the rewards on a basic explosive have increased to 2.48. Some Alien Worlds cards are reaching almost 500 Aether per hour which is more than the entry level, dedicated R-Planet mining rigs. If you have higher rarity cards, it might be worth going back and taking a look at staking them as the rewards for higher level cards have increased dramatically. On the flip side, if you were "spam staking" a large number of shovels and human avatars, you probably aren't earning anything, and you might want to adjust your strategy accordingly. 


I tried to keep this post a bit shorter, but there was still a lot to cover. I know that every crypto has its ups and downs and its strengths and its weaknesses, but overall, I think that Alien Worlds still has a lot of room to grow. I look forward to seeing what other updates are released in the future. 

As always, thanks for reading and nothing is financial advice. 

