Algorand FTW

As I am continuing to look into various cryptocurrencies, one I am curious about and believe has s strong future is Algorand.  Earlier in 2022 Algorand partnered with FIFA. Although I am not a great FIFA mind or fan for that matter. There is a large world out there and this signifies in my mind a solid foundation and good marketing and business decision making.

Also, Algorand was founded by an MIT professor who won the Turing Award Seriously, the A.M. Turing award!!! The award was named after Alan Turing. It is an award for major contributions in computing.  I was sold at the Turing award.  

Along with the founder and partnering with FIFA, this cryptocurrency does not seem to be a fly by night coin with no merit. There appears to be a solid foundation. Given the crypto winter, the price seems to be low, as with most if not all cryptocurrencies, it is significantly down from it's ATH.

On the Algorand website they noted the purpose is "Empowering a dynamic, inclusive, and borderless global ecosystem - at scale - based on the Algorand blockchain technology.

I am intrigued by this cryptocurrency and am considering investing for the long-term, I think they are galled HODL'ers.

Again, I am writing as a way to think through my discovery process in the world of cryptocurrency. Nothing in this post should be construed as financial advice, as I no nothing of the sort. I am posting for entertainment purposes only and to track my thoughts as they develop over time.