Algorand Blockchain Intro

Algorand is a blockchain platform based around zero knowledge proofs and tamperproof data sequences that can be read and augmented by everyone. Algorand is democratic and efficient, with scientific studies from places like Cornell University to back up this belief.

Algorand is a truly democratic and efficient way to implement a public ledger. Unlike prior implementations based on proof of work, it requires a negligible amount of computation, and generates a transaction history that will not "fork" with overwhelmingly high probability. -Algorand Cornell University Study by Jing Chen and Silvio Micali


Algorand is public and open source so you can technically use their code to create your own blockchain, blockchain-based app, or fork. Algorand is pure proof of stake and uses this consensus algorithm to make sure the platform is scalable, secure, and decentralized. With this model, the next block of the blockchain is proposed by randomly selected Algorand tokens, or ALGO for short. Algorand currently offers grants for projects that build upon their blockchain, so if you know any young blockchain geniuses who wish to get funding for a new blockchain project, Algorand and the groups supporting - the Algorand Foundation - may be a good fit! You can visit their grant page here: