After Morning Walk, Some Wednesday Human Deeds—I 'm alive and Thriving Challenge—My Actifit Report Card: June 28 2023

Hello to the Actifit PUBLISH0X Community! Welcome to my blog. It had been too long since I submitted my last post here. Actually, I 'm busy in Eid Preparation(A Muslim Religious Event at the start of Last Islamic Month). Today, I decided to post as I got relaxation from the heavy burden of house chores.Morning Walk:

Today, I got up early in the morning. I moved into our house garden. I did my morning walk for about 40 minutes. As the weather was cold in the morning, I enjoyed the morning walk plus the fresh air. There were some black clouds in the sky but I can't expect rain from them. This was the amazing nature of clouds, plants and fresh air, I enjoyed it a lot.

The morning Scene in house Garden

Some deeds into the Kitchen for our Chef

After doing a morning walk, I stepped into my room and took some rest. I included it into my plan when our chef will join the Kitchen, I shall help him in preparation of breakfast. As he always served us with good dishes, today I shall serve him with relaxation. When I joined the Kitchen at 7 AM, he was surprised to see me. As I like to sleep late and wake up late ??. He embraced me and I requested him to see how I can do a kitchen job especially for breakfast. Although, he was requesting that he can do it alone because he is one of our nice servants and we considered him as our family member. I prevented him from further requests for not doing kitchen jobs and I started rolling and backing bread.

Rolling and Backing Bread in the Kitchen

I baked seven breads for breakfast. Moreover, I started tea preparation. The taste of tea made by me is exceptional and all my family members love to take tea made by my hands. It was a morning surprise that I gave to my family as well as our Chef.

Tea made by me

One cup of tea and a lot of mind relaxation

After completing backing breads and tea preparation, I took one cup of tea and put some amount there. I took this tea to excite my mental health and relax my mind. I was happy because I have done something for my family on one hand and relaxed our chef on other hand from routine fatigued work. Now, I can enjoy this cup of tea with calmness and happiness.

One cut of tea is enough to take a good start of the day

Another by chance Good deed for a Stray Cat

As I was returning back into my room, I found one stray cat. I felt, she was hungry and seeking food for the rehabilitation of her tummy. Here, I burst into tears because we can enjoy and take anything according to our wish. But this little creature of God is striving to find something for her survival. I thank to God and took some milk in the cover plate of the bucket. I put this Milk in front of this stray cat. She was taking this Milk and it looked like thanking me for her help. It was the 2nd best deed, I did in the morning. I was happy and satisfied with these two deeds that I did as human.

Stray Cat taking Milk that I provided her

This was the morning report, I want to submit here. I hope, these two kind deeds done by me are enough to motivate and encourage you for doing humane deeds. Thanks!

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This report was published via Actifit app (). Check out the original version here on


House Chores, Walking