Across The Cryptoverse #31 - Avoid The Troll And LP With Across

 is the bridge that Ethereum deserves, being fast and financially efficient. It got even better after zkSync and Base were added as bridging options, bringing  on the top of the hyper-competitive cross-chain landscape

Cryptoverse is still in crab mode, and everyone is working on growing the stack before the next cycle. The good news is that you have few options to make it happen faster. LPing with AcrossProtocol is one of your best options, thanks to the several single staking pools. 

is a cross-chain bridge that optimizes for capital efficiency, unifying the liquidity in one pool. The liquidity providers don’t need to move their funds to capture the best return. The results are simple and efficient: once you deposit, you can stay passive, save on gas, and watch your rewards grow. You effectively lend out your assets to facilitate bridge transfers and in return you earn bridge fees.

The pricing model differs from the AMM model other bridges use, which are prone to pool imbalances and arbitrage taxes on LPs. The new liquidity providers can earn 9.5 to 11% on stables and ETH, and enhance the reward to 18% as their multiplier grows.

  • A simple one-click deposit liquidity pool
  • Single-sided staking and no IL
  • Passive experience - no need to rebalance
  • Multiplied rewards for staying loyal
  • High APYs vs other bridges or DeFi in general

tokens? You can earn good amounts in our weekly events and competitions. One of the recent events with a considerable amount of tokens shared was the "Avoid The Troll" raffle! The NFT was minted by By on Optimism, and the holders were added into the draw. 

The minting price was 0.0013 ETH, and the prizes for the raffle were few times bigger than the minting price. Guardian NFT were added in the prize pool, to amplify the rewards given to the holders.

There are now a select group of people holding Avoid the Troll, with only 15 NFTs to ever be minted. The essence behind the art is that crypto savvy people can avoid the troll under the bridge and issues regarding speed or security by using the Across bridge

The draw took place on the 1st of November 2023, and the number of prizes was upgraded to seven packs. Each winner received one Guardian NFT and up to 150 tokens.  Here's the raffle draw for full transparency

First Place: 150 Guardian NFT


Second Place: 100 Guardian NFT


Third Place: 75 Guardian NFT


Forth Place: 50 Guardian NFT


Fifth Place: 25 Guardian NFT


Sixth Place: 10 Guardian NFT


Seventh Place: Guardian NFT


The prizes were sent on Optimism, where another LP alternative is available. Velodrome has pairs for USDC and wETH, with opportunities to double dip! Velodrome Finance is a next-generation AMM that combines the best of Curve, Convex and Uniswap, designed to serve as Optimism's central liquidity hub.

I staked wETH and to earn $VELO and enhance my rewards. Velodrome uses locked $VELO NFTs to vote on token emissions and receive incentives and fees generated by the protocol. I claimed my $VELO rewards, staked them and voted for higher incentives in the -wETH pool! Double dip! 

Guardian NFTs were sent to the winners, and they can now use them as profile pictures. I created a trend with this green neon avatars, and the Committee and several rangers are currently using them.

There are currently 15 unique holders, some holding more than one NFT. There are not many left of the 40 Guardian, and not many chances to get this type of top profile pictures! 

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CEXs and DEXs: 

The fountains: PipeFlare ZCashGlobalHive ZCash

Publishing bundle: Publish0xHive/Leoreadcash