Accumulate To Consolidate

I am back again with another great earning site. I like to test the sites I share before I use them so I can make sure that they are worth the tie and effort. In my last article, I shared a site with you called CoinPayz which is a great addition to have with the rest of your earning sites. This next one I'm about to share with you is similar to CoinPayz. There are some differences that I would like to point out. They are both great earning sites though.

Before I begin this article I want to go over something. I have been getting some comments where people say faucets and other earning sites are not worth it and you do not make enough. The truth is you do not make a lot from just one single site, but if you use multiple sites each night or morning or whenever you have free time you will end up making a decent amount every week. The earning does not stop there either. You can also earn from your earnings by exchanging your earnings into a token with a high APY or you can exchange your earnings into a token where you can provide liquidity. This is where you start earning a passive income. Nothing comes easy but with enough hard work and knowing how to invest you can turn your small earnings into a lot more over time. Even passive income has to start somewhere. You need to put the work in before you can start actually earning without doing anything. I know I say the same things in each of my articles but I am just trying to explain that these faucets and earning sites are just the beginning. Another great way to start earning a passive income is to spread the word and spread your referral links. This is a slow process unless you know people but it is worth the work.

has turned into one of the regular earning sites I use. The reason for this is its simplicity but also its earning potential. It is easy to earn from this site and also build up the amount you earn over time with their loyalty program. I will dive deeper into this but first I want to go over the basics of this site.

allows you to claim from their faucet every five minutes. At first, you will be earning around 1 to 2 sats per claim but with time this amount will go up. Every day you come back to the site your amount of earning goes up a little more. I have been using Coinpot for around a month and now I earn around 3 sats per claim just from the faucet.

also has multiple other ways to earn. They have a PTC section that allows you to earn anywhere from 1 to 5 sats per claim depending on how long the viewing of the site is.

also has a gaming section. They have games such as dice, coin flip, lottery, and spin the wheel. The only game I have used so far is spin the wheel. I am not a big fan of gambling so I try to stay away from the other games. I will try them eventually but right now I am more focused on earnings as much as I can. You can buy lottery tickets with your earnings and that gives you a chance to win a good amount of sats. I have not tried the lottery section yet either but I plan on giving it a try in the future.

This site is very similar to CoinPayz. The layout is a little different but the idea is almost exactly the same.

At the moment I make around 150 sats a day from this site and around 200 sats a day from CoinPayz. I have just started using these sites about a little longer than a month ago so the amount I earn will keep going up the more I use these sites. Remember the more times you visit this site the more your earnings will go up so do not forget to visit the site at least once a day to make the amount you earn go up.

The withdrawal amount for Coinpot is small and easy to reach every day. Personally, I like to let my earnings build for a couple of days but everyone likes to do things differently. If you are trying to reach your withdrawal amount every day then I suggest using FaucetPay. This is one of the best micro wallets out there. It allows you to hold your earnings and when you are ready to withdraw to your direct wallet the fees are so small you will not even notice.

If you want to withdraw directly to your main wallet or to Coinex then it will take you a little longer to reach the limit when you first join. To withdraw to FaucetPay it is only 1000 coins which you can reach on the first day easily but if you want to withdraw directly then it is 100,000 coins. It is a big difference so I suggest using FaucetPay

FaucetPay has multiple different coins to withdraw to and the withdrawal is instant. I am pretty sure if you do direct payment then it takes a day or two. I have not used the direct withdrawal option so I am not sure. I have withdrawn to FaucetPay multiple times and it has gone into my account instantly.

The amount you earn at first might seem small but if you invest what you earn every month into tokens and projects that you can either stake or provide liquidity with then the sky is the limit. You can start off with faucets and turn your earnings into a true passive income over time. Eventually, you will not need the faucets or earning sites because you'll be making enough from your investments. I am hoping this is will happen for me after a year or two but who knows. I am going to be patient and just go with the flow and earn as much as I can and learn new ways to invest my earnings.

I hope you have enjoyed this article. Please like and follow for more content and to help my page grow.


I have been seeing a lot of growth on the WAX blockchain and I am going to write my next article about the different ways you can earn and invest in this great project. If you have not heard of WAX or their TACO wallet then I suggest you check out my article and see why I think this project is going to be huge in the future. There is a lot going on and a lot more to come when it comes to the WAX blockchain. I wrote an article about it a while ago, click here if you want to check it out. There has been so much going on with WAX that I think it is time for a new article.

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