A coin for you to triple your capital!

I bring from my own experience a currency that maybe many already know, others not, but I would like to share it anyway.

Since it was released I bought it, around October if I'm not mistaken. I've never regretted it, I've doubled, tripled and I still make profits with it, in addition to being a fun currency, it contains NFT's, play 2 earn game, shop, stake and much more...I'm referring to DogeDash!

When will the game be released?

The game is in testing, and this week will be released, and along with the NFT's you acquire skills to play better. Enjoy this release! The NFT's are already on opensea, and it will be worth a lot!

About the game

An interesting detail in the game is its 10 initial levels, it doesn't stop there, the owner's (PAUL) goal is to add more levels to the game over time, making it more fun.

Check it out for yourself, don't invest through my earnings, but I say again: You will triple your capital!

Max Supply 100,000,000,000  

Contract Address: 0x7ae5709c585ccfb3e61ff312ec632c21a5f03f70    
