A brief TokenSets review. Sets from users and rebalancing liquidity

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TokenSets is a platform for buying index tokens that include sets of tokens and helps to reduce the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies. The platform presents Sets from users.

Social Set is a digital asset (ERC-20), which is a fully collateralized portfolio of other assets, including Bitcoin (WBTC), Ethereum (WETH), and fiat currencies (DAI). The sets are automatically rebalanced to make it easier to execute a portfolio strategy (for example, range trading) as a single asset. Using Sets eliminates the need to manually manage multiple assets and rebalance your portfolio.


Rebalancing is the process of re-weighting a portfolio of assets. The Sets periodically adjust their limits when the token price components change sufficiently and enough time has passed in the rebalancing chain mechanism. As the owner of a Set, you don't have to do anything - just keep the Set with you to get the benefits of automatic rebalancing according to the strategy you have chosen.  

Rebalancing liquidity

Set rebalances do not use Kyber as a source of liquidity but instead, use open market participants to provide liquidity. This is done so that users do not experience unnecessary and unpredictable sliding.

The Set is 100% provided with the basic components that determine its 'Net Asset Value'. NAV can be calculated by adding the value of all the basic components of the tokens in the Set. The prices displayed in Token Sets are sourced from CryptoCompare to showcase the true market value of the Set across multiple exchanges. The ‘on-chain’ prices used in their smart contracts are sourced from MakerDAO's oracles, while the buy and sell prices are sourced from DEXes, providing liquidity to the Set Protocol.

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The article is written by Anton Vasiliev and Mr. Anton Dziatkovskiy, the co-founder and CEO of Platinum Software Development Company.

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