A 25X for an Ethereum Token Launch is NOT Special

If you get into token sales on these fuckin Ethereum launchpads, you should fuckin expect a 20X or a 50X. Fuckit. It is such a fuckin hassle trying to get anything done on that fuckin network. All that fuckin news about Optimism and fuckin Tootsie Rollups needs to happen now, because up until that point, I'm definitely still supporting BSC launchpads like Wault.Finance et al.

Getting a 25X on an ETH launchpad project barely covers cost. First of all, you have to buy the token for the launchpad and hold it. While you're holding it like some fuckin homeless kid's bowl waiting on the soup kitchen guy, the goddamn devs like fuckin Fatass Kyle from PAID Network scam your ass out of $30 mil then re-release the FUCKING shitcoin like nothing's wrong.

Ok, now that you've wasted the time and money on the launchpad token, now you've got to pay your project dues. Get ready to join a bunch of Telegram groups and retweet Twitter posts for no damn reason. Prepare for KYC, even while the devs fuckin stay anonymous and ready with the mint function in the smart contract to fuck your ass. And for all of the decentralization talk and the fuckin "innovation" and privacy shit and all that shit, these fuckin goombas always use Google Forms for their fuckin whitelist. I'm fuckin convinced that some of these projects are the faggit ass feds just trying to connect your Telegram to your Twitter and your other accounts so they can de-anonymize you if you try to skip out on taxes (according to them). Don't ever give your name or your personal information to a fuckin anon team. Use burner accounts. And fuckin privatize your transactions using Tornado Cash or Monero. I swear. What the fuck with these fuckhead poseur ass defi devs, man.

So let's say you get whitelisted; now you have to wait around for the fuckin sale to start. Get ready to refresh the fuckin page five or six times because it seems like no defi site has the ability to handle more than 3 page requests per minute. Refresh, refresh, refresh. All for the privilege of putting your hard-earned money into this platform and you don't even know if these fucks are gonna bungle the release. And you better be around for the release, too. Miss that window and the coin dumps right back down to presale price, maybe below if it's not being immediately shilled by some fake ass punkdafied dipshit like Ivan on Tech who has an adviser position with the team. And he'll be dumping on your head as well along with the bots. Hope you got enough ether ready to get in and out of all the goddamn transactions you'll be responsible for.

And don't get me started on the transactions. Approve your USDC to put it in. Actually put it in. Failed transactions because 2 other people are trying to put theirs in. Refresh the page. Do it again. Gas fees went up because there are more people and ZKFuckups hasn't come out for Ethereum yet to shard the fucking FUCKING transactions. Oops, got frontrun. Transaction didn't go through, but somebody took the whole gas and transaction fee.

By the time it's all said and done, you've paid just as much in transaction fees to submit your allocation as you have set aside for the shittin allocation. That's a 2X for Ethereum miners and the project right there. And you're telling me that a 20X is somehow special for all this trouble? No. It's par for the course. Just enough to get your fuckin allocation money back and pay for the transaction fee to get the rest of your money, what's left of it anyway, back over to BINANCE Smart Chain to actually start making some money off your investment.

I'm just sayin. If you get into these token presales, be prepared! Shit's not as easy as it looks, and everything has to go right for you to actually get paid!



Always remember:

Burgerswap Bridge will steal your crypto

Deus.Finance is led by a psychotic wannabe despot

AllianceBlock is a shit project

All algorithmic stablecoins (Basis Cash, Mithril, Empty Set Dollar) are a SCAM

Don’t get your bitcoin from PayPal

Trade on BSC, not Ethereum

Ivan on Tech, Elliotrades and Bitboy are complete liars, and

If you are always losing money trading crypto, read here.

Gems I'm investing in:

NFTs - Doki Doki

Trading - Unimex

Finance - Soar