🔥 Launching free-to-mint projects will be the future 🎁

The anonymous creator of bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto launched the bitcoin blockchain on January 2009 and it was cheap to mine or buy some bitcoins. To be precise, the bitcoin faucet at the time gave out some bitcoins for to evangelize the ideas of Satoshi Nakamoto. With the value of bitcoin soaring to"four figures" in US Dollars, it is tempting to revisit history only to find out a blip of code largely ignored and criticised is now the world's most valuable asset.

Then, came altcoins like Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash to support the movement with their own centralised ideas. The heat continued with ICOs selling unregulated securities, nothing was again unless you were going to cash out on profits. The norm has been like that until now a different paradigm is heating up... free-to-mint projects. Lately, a few projects have popup in the crypto space with this idea of free-to-mint, NFTs and Tokens absolutely for free. Imagine getting free NFTs that Snoop Dogg could probably pay six figures for, uh bro! you are like, deja vu, whatever, you probably need to experience this new idea of crypto. At least it is free. 

free-to-mint projects like xencrypto require just your METAMASK to connect it to their smart contract and you will mint by paying for the gas fee on the ethereum network. 

But now, what is XEN?

is designed to become a universal cryptocurrency to achieve the original mission of blockchain - following the 1st principles thereof - such as decentralization, transparency, counterpart risk resistance, peer-to-peer value exchange and self-custody. The vision is to create a highly decentralized network where every human being is an important node where their individual rights are stored in their wallet thorough self-custody. The problems XEN are trying to solve are centralization, custody, unfairness, adoption, and lack of transparency.

Source: xenpedia.io

Before you mint your free NFT, take a look at this tweet ??  

With the reality and momentum of free-to-mint, I hope you won't want to miss out on the Sandbox of free-to-mint. As written by one of my co-writers @Patch claim your free oland gen 2 nft, I quickly claimed my oLand floating island NFT. Without much ado! you can check out his post, come back and claim with my affiliate link... -https://overline.network?a=AMJQuLKlXfqu or claim with this link if you do not want to support me... ?? -overline.network

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DISCLAIMER: This article is for educative purposes and it should not be considered a piece of investment advice. As greedy as crypto is, I will never advise you to invest in crypto, always DYOR.

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