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In an attempt to censor transactions related to Bitcoin Ordinals, the United States government is analyzing whether operations with non-fungible tokens (NFT) on the Bitcoin network constitute a cybersecurity threat.

This is in accordance with the request made to the National Vulnerabilities Database (NVD), which is carried out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an entity attached to the United States Department of Commerce.

According to what is shown on the website, the government institute analyzes whether the arbitrary information that traders and creators register in Bitcoin through the Ordinals protocolcan be considered dangerous, as the Ocean team has warned. In itself, Luke Dashjr, Bitcoin developer and CTO of Ocean, has said that the 'enrollments' are exploiting a vulnerability in Bitcoin Core to spam the blockchain."

Therefore, Dashjr created a tool called Ordirespector, capable of filtering transactions that included registrations, as the method of adding arbitrary information in Bitcoin has been called. This tool was integrated with Bitcoin Knots, the software that Ocean uses. Now, the developer seeks to have Ordinals recognized as a vulnerability and that it can be corrected in future versions of Bitcoin Core, the most used software to run Bitcoin.

In that sense, the US government's analysis seeks to determine whether this evasion of the limit through the Ordinals is feasible, based on the fact that this was a mechanism that has been exploited in 2023 when large transactions were stored in blocks, it says. the NVD. 

Although the US government is still evaluating whether Ordinals may constitute a cybersecurity threat, members of the Bitcoin community came forward to criticize the situation.  

Investor and Ordinals enthusiast Leonidas was one of the first to criticize the US investigation. In his opinion, detractors of Bitcoin NFTs “have turned to the federal government for help in trying to censor the Ordinals transactions”.  

Without delving into it, Leonidas mentioned bitcoiners who support the use of BTC as a means of payment and criticize other use cases of the network, such as one where non-fungible tokens (NFT) are created, something that has been criticized due o that generate congestion

Precisely at times of increasing registrations of BRC-20 tokens in the Bitcoin network, ongestion also increased noticeably. Many times, taking transaction fees above USD 5 in low priority casesand up to more than USD 30 in high priority. 

A similar opinion to that of Leonidas was that of the user @KingofOrdinal, who questioned the fact that those bitcoiners who oppose governments and the traditional system in general, ask that same system for help to fight against those who promote Ordinals, despite the fact that they belong to the same ecosystem.