5 Crypto Investment Tips Learned from Warren Buffet

Yes, I know that Warren Buffet, one of the world's greatest investor ever doesn't invest in Cryptocurrencies and is on record for not being much of a fan of it. Even then I believe that cryptocurrency investors can avoid a lot of heartburn and losses by following his timeless advice on investment. Here is my 5 cryptocurrency tips learned from Warren Buffet.

1- Learn about the stuff before you invest in that stuff. We have around 7000 cryptocurrency at the moment plus lots and lots of new technologies popping up. Don't just follow the herd and buy the next hot coin. Do your research, read it's whitepaper, learn everything about that coin and then make an informed decision.

2- Don't just sit on cash in your bank account (or even in Crypto exchange or Decentralized bank). Cash is worthless today and more than likely in future as it continuously loses its value due to inflation and various other factors. Invest it.

3- Only invest in coins which add value. Don't speculate and don't follow the herd. Don't buy a coin just because you overheard someone proposing it during your daily commute to work. Follow the value and then make an informed decision. Don't buy the coin, buy the value behind it.

4- Stay in touch with the latest happenings. Crypto market is volatile and very fast changing. You need to stay at the top of news to not to miss any golden opportunities. Seize that opportunity as soon as you get basics right.

5- Don't gamble. Play the long game. Just buy few of those coins with a well thought-out strategy with long term perspective and you should be fine.

Please feel free to comment if you agree or disagree with any of the tips or if you have any of your own. Also I am not a financial advisor or anything like that. I am just a student of crypto and Buffet. Thanks for reading.