49 artists for giant NFT project. Join the community

A project was born

Bring together 49 artists to create a giant NFT on the theme of peace


"Each artists will pick their own box. Dimensions (2000 x 2000) Black number- Outer layers of the peace symbol artists are free to do what ever they want    Yellow number- inner layers of the peace symbol where there is no outlines artists could do what ever they want    Purple number- Now the squares where they have the outline of the peace symbol. Artists will be required to make their square apart of the colour way. So I think we should do a pink theme for the inner parts of the peace symbol but the artists still has free range to do what they want as long as it is pink and for the outer lines of the peace symbol it must be a different colour then pink, not a big deal what it is.    In this 2000, by 2000 square the artists has free range on what it looks like (not including the inner parts of the peace symbol) if they choose it could have simple animations, nothing that completely changes the scene that would destroy the picture but by all means do animations.    How to get in. once you are finished your part of the picture please send it in a google drive link in #finished and I will add them all together.    This is a massive collaboration and if we are able to do this, we will not only grow each other, but we will make a part of NFT history I can feel it."    

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