3 ways to make the most out of referral programs

It's no secret that referral programs can be a great source of income for many crypto/blockchain lovers, as almost any platform, exchange or service offers great advantages for users who bring other users in.

Referral programs are a great tool for platforms to acquire the right target of users and spread the voice in interested communities. 

These benefits, which can in some cases become a great source of income, come with a responsibility: by driving other users to services provided by a third party, you're guaranteeing that the service is no scam, is reliable, and safe.

In the crypto environment is quite easy to find very attractive referral programs that are scams because that's exactly what scams are about: finding the quickest way to bring onboard the most possible users, in a short amount of time, and then get away with the jackpot.

Personally, I am driving users only to platforms that I consider trusted. If I have doubts or the platform is still young, I try to be honest and invite people to investigate more before investing. I'm actually having very good results with a few referral programs, which are high paying, safe and transparent:

SplinterlandsPipeFlareCake DeFiCointiply

These are a good source of income that I try to reinvest in interesting projects in the crypto sphere. Here are three tips that will help you make the most out of referral programs, things I learned in the last few months and can really make the difference

Blog about it!

The best way to build trust between you and the reader, and convince him to try a new service, is to describe the service most honestly and transparently possible. You can start writing immediately after starting using a platform by putting down a tutorial for beginners, or a first impression review.

For example, I produced these reviews of CakeDeFi and Hi, two finance platforms, that brought a lot of users on board because I provided a detailed list of functionalities and services provided.

Read also: Let's talk about Hi.com - Review

Read also: CakeDeFi: Liquidity Mining and Staking made super easy

In alternative, if you are extremely familiar with a service, you can start updating your audience with deeper content, like news, or participate in contests or challenges, like the ones I produce almost every week for Splinterlands.

Read also: The princess Warrior itself, Beatrix Ironhand - Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge

By sharing your experience you'll be able to immediately involve the segment of your audience that shares interests and goals with you, and sometimes you'll both experience some benefits.

Use marketing tools

To effectively make the most out of referral programs, you have to consider yourself part of the project you're directing people to. Set your goals, be creative, and start finding ways to reach users.

One of the best ways to manage internet traffic is reaching users when they are looking for something similar to what you're offering (yes, that's what Google does). Actually if have been here for a while, you'll know there's a decentralized version of Google that pays you with its native token for browsing the web. It's called  , and it's great.

What most people don't know is that instead of selling the PRE token you earned, you can stake them into the platform to earn traffic from researchers and bring them wherever you want. 

If you are the guy with the most staked PRE for a specific keyword, let's say "make money online", your ads will pop up first for this query, and you'll be able to direct all the users to the platform through your referral code.

Obviously, the more the keyword is searched, the more it costs. I was able with 1000 PRE staked to buy "make money" and redirect users to SPLINTERLANDS with it, with good results.

Bring traffic

Another useful way to bring traffic to a platform through your referral code is using an ads system: Mellow Ads is an ads platform where users can use cryptos to buy banners and ads. Let's say it's the decentralized version of Google Ads, even if this might not be the best definition.

The great thing is that Mellow Ads has a faucet that pays up to 1000 a day in credit that you can use to promote your service.

You can set your campaign goals, target your audience, set your location, design your ads (usually a lot of platforms with referral programs are providing already designed campaigns that you can use) and boom, you're ready to go!

You're not playing Splinterlands? Shame on you! Go try it!

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Here's the super-trusted earners I support. Please consider using my referral if want to give them a try

 Exchange with the best earning solutions.

 Earn crypto while learning about crypto.

Cake DeFi Passive income, staking made easy.

Cointiply - Best Earner - Earn Bitcoins by doing offers, watching ads and PTC ads

 - Crypto casino with Faucet: Top Earner! Claim -> Play -> Stake -> Earn

PipeFlare - Best Faucet.Pays immediately to your wallet

 Earn tokens for surfing the web!

 Fantasy Football League with NFT

Non profit banking with ongoing Airdrop