3 jobs for content creators that you may not know exist

I should preface this by saying that these jobs exist but it always depends on the size of the company.

A big media company probably has all three, in addition to writers and other staff. In a smaller company, you may have two or three people that do the actual content creation and these things too.

3. Audience Editor

This might be the weirdest job title ever, but it exists. An Audience editor writes headlines suited to search engines, especially Google of course, they run social media accounts, they curate newsletters, etc.

2. Sub-editor

A sub-editor is the person who edits, or subs, other writers' work. They're not only responsible for the factuality of the content, and of course they have to make sure there aren't any typos or stuff like that, but they also have another job.

A sub-editor has to make sure the content reflects the company's / brand's editorial identity. They have to make sure all SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) boxes are checked, etc.

1. Thumbnail strategist

A thumbnail strategist creates thumbnails and hero images for YouTube and other socials, website and so on.

The job is a lot more complex than it sounds because it depends on the company's brand and policy. In some cases, you need to select the best possible images, as in the best-looking.

However, in most cases, you also have to make sure you pick an image that reflect the content while also teasing some of it.

Say you work for a tech creator, and say you want to create a thumbnail for a YouTube about the best smartphone of the year.

Do you show the best smartphone in the thumbnail or not? Or perhaps you show it, but pixellate it. Or maybe you leave it out altogether, etc.