2 true passive income with zero investment required (Brave + Presearch)

The phrase "passive income" is thrown relatively loosely on the internet. To me, an actual "passive income" has a rigorous meaning:

  • You have to make ZERO effort for it (except for the initial investment)
  • You do not have to invest any of your money into getting started
  • You have to make some meaningful return, at least around $2-3/month

With these requirements, here are my two truly passive incomes (plus a bonus third one that doesn't give you much but takes no additional time to set it up) that will require only 5min of your time and will make you roughly $18/month. Granted, $18 is not a lot of income, but keep in mind that this takes a one-time 5min of your time, and you'll never have to worry about it again. In other words, it's just free $18/month of extra income (and who knows, these three tokens will hopefully increase in valuation and you'll end up having more money).

TLDR; What and How Much

For those who don't care about reading the rest, here is the breakdown:

  • Using Presearch.org for search engine:1.644 PRE/day @ $0.35 = $0.58/day OR $17.26/month
  • Using BRAVE Browser and BAT Rewards: ~0.0538 BAT/day @ $0.96 = $0.052/day OR $1.55/month
  • Using Swashapp.io extension: ~0.01 SWASH/day @ $0.0622 = $0.00622/day OR $0.02/month

Using Brave Browser

By now, you should have heard about Brave Browser. If not, it's a Chromium-based browser that is focused on user privacy and animosity. When you install it, not only does it remove most ads, but it also disables any tracking cookies a website might be using. Everyone should use Brave, regardless of the crypto rewards.

Once you have installed and set up your browser, click the little triangle icon to the right of the URL field and click the gear icon:

Under the Ads section, make sure it is enabled. Also, click on its setting and set the "Maximum number of ads displayed" to 10 (or whatever the max setting at the time of doing this is)

Feel free with other settings and adjust them according to your need. That is it - now set this browser as your default and proceed to surf the web as you normally would.

Setting Presearch.org as your default search engine

I already have an entire post dedicated to this subject you can. Read about it here.

Setup Swash

You can honestly skip this step because it pays very little. I use it because all it takes is to visit https://swashapp.io/apps/extension and click a few buttons and you'll be done.

That is it. Hopefully you'll use the suggested guides here and you could be making about $18/month by doing absolutely nothing! Save it up for a year and then treat yourself and your SO to a nice dinner for Christmas!

And who knows? The price of these tokens will/hopefully go up and you'll be making even more!